Chapter 14: Planet Kenjirk

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I don't usually do this, but some people don't look at tags at times. This chapter will contain, Enslavement, Torture, Gore, and Death in very great details. Also some explicit content will come up. There will be asterisks infront of and after the scenes. These will follow up on the many chapters that sound like the names of planets. These will follow up until the chapter named; 'The Last Knight's. You have been warned.

Skyhawk awoken to the sound of someone walking into the control room, Talon was long gone, the little symbiote knows how to move without him noticing. It's impressive until Skyhawk literally wakes up feeling like he's dying and all he needs is his feathery symbiote next to him to calm him down. Skyhawk didn't bother getting up, but sat upright from the position he was in when he fell into recharge in the chair.

He noticed Silversilk at the control terminal, clicking and clacking at the buttons. "What are you doing?" Skyhawk inquired and she jolted before spinning to look at him. She was either doing something she wasn't supposed to or thought he was asleep. "You're awake? How was your sleep?" She inquired and it made him raise and optical ridge that she couldn't see. "How long was I in recharge?" Skyhawk asked as he stretched his wings and arms.

"A few cycles." Her response almost made him fall off of the thrown all together. He stood up and then immediately fell down as his systems started to work again after apparently a few cycles of recharge. Skyhawk heard the skittering of Silversilk's legs across the floor as she approached and he felt her pick him up and sit him back down on the throne. "You shouldn't get up until your systems are back into shape, even then, take it easy." Silversilk stated before she moved back over to the terminal and crossed her spider legs on her back so they weren't too visible.

Skyhawk only grunted at her words, his systems feeling like absolute slag. "Is that why Talon is gone? Where is Talon?" Skyhawk practically whined for his symbiote through the bond, to which he got urgency and reassurance back. They can speak through the bond, obviously it's how Talon speaks in general, but they like to speak faceplate to faceplate. Skyhawk knew because of how big the ship was, if Talon was coming right away, then it would take him a while.

The only sound Skyhawk could hear in the room was Silversilk clicking at the terminal and the scuttering of the Scrapers in the vents. Wait. Skyhawk snapped his helm over to the vent grate at the side of the room and got frightened at seeing about sixteen sets of optics staring at him, unblinking. It's not like they needed to blink anyways, but they didn't have the optical lid to blink in the first place. Skyhawk heard one of them screech and all the optics slowly skittered away.

It's a wonder how they all fit in there like that when the vent is only supposed to hold three of them. They probably did some changes to vent patrol, if Skyhawk had to guess, the flier Scrapers did that. Skyhawk groaned and dragged a servo down his servo, his vision was still a bit dizzy, and his pedes felt numb. That recharge must have been good as pit for it to have effects like that.

Skyhawk then noticed Silversilk glancing at him from the corner of her optics, as if she wanted to ask something but was hesitant to do so. "Did anything happen while I was in recharge?" Skyhawk inquired, making her jolt yet again as he caught her glancing. "Everyone is still getting used to the ship, and the fact that we aren't on planet anymore. The Scrapers are having the time of their lives, though." As soon as she said that, Skyhawk heard some skittering getting louder towards the vent in the room and then getting quiet again as the Scraper ran past.

Skyhawk wouldn't put it past them to be playing tag in the vents instead of actually patrolling the vents. The little things were always so restless when it came to responsibilities. They always found a way to make what they were doing fun or just plain ridiculous. However, it's what made them what they were, unpredictable little misfits they are. Speaking of little misfits.

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