Chapter 11: The bounty

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Skyhawk instantly sagged when he awoken from recharge, it was barely even what was called morning and he was awake, dad sense. Skyhawk sat up immediately and looked around, it was silent, nothing. Skyhawk stood up from his Berth, no Scrapers in his room. Skyhawk didn't care that Talon was missing because that happens most of the time when they fall into recharge together. Skyhawk opened his door and found Silversilk in front of it, seeming like she was just about to knock.

Skyhawk must have seemed disturbed, or maybe it was the fact his wings were puffed and hiked up, because she tilted her head, looking concerned. Skyhawk forced himself to relax, which didn't help because his panic was evident through every bond. "What- uh, what's up?" Skyhawk leaned on his doorway, trying to look nonchalant. "I found a signal, it lit up in the middle of the night, near the time right now. I tried to look into it, but it quickly disappeared, I still have the coordinates though." Silversilk informed him, making him nod rapidly at the fact that she gave him a way out.

"Yes, I will, uh, look at that, thank you." Skyhawk walked passed her, her frame turning as he did, she could feel his stare but didn't comment on it as he went to the control room. Talon was in there too, though apparently for other reasons as he was tied up in some webbing. Skyhawk pulled out his sword and released the his Avian symbiote, much to the displeasure of Silversilk, who scoffed upon seeing Talon freed. The Arachnid pushed past Skyhawk and the twitchy Talon, who was nipping webbing off of his wings.

"What did you do?" Skyhawk whispers to his symbiote, who ruffled his feathers at the question. "I chased after Critter because my programming kicked in." Talon responded, sounding like his pride was severely damaged, which it probably was. Skyhawk never taught Talon to not give into his programming, or rather, instincts. The Avian didn't think it was needed, and Talon didn't want to be trained like a Cyberdog anyways. Talon took pride in his familiar, and Skyhawk took pride in his symbiote. The two Avians were basically attached at the feathers, try and pull and you'll get nipped at by the sharp beak.

Skyhawk just nodded and turned his attention to Silversilk and her symbiote, which was staring at them, specifically Talon, with her mandibles twitching. Silversilk was clicking on the main frame, but Critter was on her shoulder and staring at them. Skyhawk slowly turned his helm over to Talon, who was giving him a side optic. Talon sighed, most likely sighing away his pride as Skyhawk walked over. They knew Critter wanted something when she raised her pedipalps at them, seeming to be a warning.

Skyhawk reached over and allowed Talon to jump from his shoulder to his arm, the Avian's grip on his arm much rougher than it needed to be. Skyhawk lowered Talon to Critter and watched his symbiote shift uncomfortably under the gaze of the arachnid. "I'm...sor-" Skyhawk cut off his symbiote, his wings lowering because of his mumbling. "Speak up." Skyhawk commanded, he felt like a student telling the shy kid to speak up during a presentation. Talon glared at him from the corner of his optics but continued with his apology, louder this time.

"I'm sorry." Talon apologized, more louder and clearer. "For?" Skyhawk inquired, making Talon turn on his arm to look at him. "For the pede I'm about to shove up your aft, shut up." Talon insulted Skyhawk before turning back around to Critter, not like Skyhawk cared. "I'm sorry for chasing you around the base and trying to eat you." Talon sounded genuinely sorry, and that made Skyhawk proud that he was apologizing. Critter huffed before skittering herself back to Silversilk's chassis and transforming into what Skyhawk assumed was a chassis decoration, as what Critter transformed into looked more similar to a bowtie.

Apparently that's what Silversilk wanted too, as she turned to face him and pointed at the mainframe. Austin Texas, a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. It was still early, they could get there when the sun fully comes up if they hurry. "Gather the flier Scrapers, we need to do this in the air, we'll get there faster." Skyhawk ordered, and Silversilk face the mainframe again before attaching two spider legs to it, wires coming out of the tips and going into exposed wires of the mainframe.

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