Chapter 5: The Fallen has risen.

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Skyhawk lowers his body, but his wings are still high up in the sky. Skyhawk could feel the disturbance from his bonds, Starscream and Megatron didn't care that he screeched. The tow truck by his side scurried in place, seemingly a bit uncomfortable. Now that Skyhawk is looking at Blackout's body, that isn't Blackout. Who is that? Skyhawk doesn't know who that Decepticon is, maybe Blackout died all those years ago, Skyhawk doesn't really care at the moment.

Skyhawk watches as he sees Sam run away from the scene, away from the now dead prime. "Autobots, attack!" Skyhawk hears someone say, he doesn't know who because the voice came out of nowhere, but he guesses it was Ironhide. Skyhawk turns and sees Ironhide as well as some new bots he doesn't know yet, and if these bots don't know him, they'll shoot on sight. "Let's go, Frostbreaker." Skyhawk names the blue tow truck on the spot.

His blue color reminding Skyhawk of frost, but he would also most likely be a Constructicon, so the breaker part seems necessary. Skyhawk could feel the awe from the bond as Frostbreaker looked up at him. Skyhawk and the bot were reminded in possible danger when a bot that was on wheels shot at them. Skyhawk transformed and flew away, Frostbreaker also transformed and drove after Skyhawk's flying form.

Skyhawk flew, he didn't know where he was going, but he knew he needed to go somewhere. Halfway to wherever he was going, Skyhawk met Talon, who started following him. "Prime is dead?" Talon asked, probably already knowing the answer, but wanting confirmation anyways. "Yes, we need to leave, go as far as we can." Which was going to prove difficult, as the second he enters the upper stratosphere, he's going to be bombarded with Decepticons.

Skyhawk flies towards the city, they probably already know of bots anyways, so why hide it? The Decepticons haven't tried hiding, the only reason why was because they probably didn't feel the need to do so. Skyhawk lands on a building that has a number on it, Skyhawk can't read, so he doesn't know what it says. Skyhawk transforms, also leaving Frostbreaker on the ground to do whatever.

Talon flies near Skyhawk, but doesn't get to land on the Avian flier as he swats at Talon. "You always seem to figure out ways to have me killed, huh?" Skyhawk asks the rhetorical question that Talon probably already knows the answer to. "Well, I didn't know the spark would give you the power to create bots, hence, the tow truck. But I thought it would be cool to surprise you! Like, if you offlined, the spark would bring you back to life, the one who killed you would wonder why you haven't died!" While Skyhawk agrees, that would be cool, still a spike move ya aft!

Skyhawk and Talon's conversation get interrupted by the sounds of jets flying closely. Skyhawk runs to the very edge of the building he stands on, just as Megatron and Starscream land on the building. Starscream has one arm, for some reason. "That went well..." Megatron sound strangely unsatisfied, making Skyhawk frown, not that he could see it anyways.

The two seem to be ignoring Skyhawk, good, he doesn't want their attention anyways. "We've lost the boy, master. The Autobots must be shielding their signals." Good, Skyhawk wants to pack his things before chaos happens. "I can't even rely on you to swat a simple insect!" Megatron says as he grabs Starscream's detached arm and grabs him by the back of his neck, slamming him on the ground before kicking him over on his back.

Megatron slammed Starscream's own arm on his stomach. "One insect among seven billion!" Starscream tries to plead with the warlord, it doesn't work. "Shut up!" Megatron quiets his second in command, also running some saw on his pedes on Starscream's lower stomach. Even though the pain wasn't even directed at Skyhawk, he could feel Starscream's pain aching at him in the back of his processor. "He could be anywhere. Ah!" Starscream puts his servo on Megatron's pede and grunted when Megatron removed his pede.

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