Chapter 17: Maternal Instincts

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Blueberry snorted as something literally wacked at her Enstril, curling up more into her fra- where are her babies? Blueberry literally hit her helm on the piece of scrap on top of her burrow as she practically leaped out of her burrow, tackling someone on her way out. The frame grunted as they went tumbling, her guns activating in the tumble as she shoved the frame into the ground whole growling. "Well, isn't this such a nice hello?" A voice, one that she recognizes very well, speaks sarcastically. "Blackberry?" She steps off of him and tilts her Enstril up to smell for others, they were alone.

"Surprise!" Blackberry barked and suddenly Blueberry found herself underneath all of her babies, whomst staged a sneak attack. She nearly growled, but was content with a whirr that got her babies to step off of her as she stood. "What are you doing here? How are you here?" Blueberry questioned as some of her babies, the Grimlock ones mostly, was nipping and barking at Blackberry. "Well, Lord Skyhawk decided to come back to Earth, so I snuck out with Silverstreak's team. They decided to cause havock and I decided to come find you." Blackberry explained as he fake swiped at the ones nipping at him, causing most to of them to fall, surprised.

Blueberry shook her helm, he hasn't matured, nor changed, at all. He was the same childish Scraper she accepted as he duo, and she was glad she did. Blackberry bucked forwards, trying to get Blueberry to flinch, but it didn't work because the babies do it way too much. "Awww, c'mon Blue! Lighten up a little!" Blackberry swiped at her and she jumped back with a growl before swiping back at him. He whirred and jumped forwards, though the movement was far too known to her and she jumped back just enough before she grabbed his helm and pushed it into the ground. "You haven't changed at all." She whirred, tilting her helm, unamused.

"Well, at least I'm here now!" Blackberry countered, though the speech was muffled a bit. "Yeah, and for what?" Blueberry found herself asking with a soft hiss, her tail curling around her pedes. "I want to merge." Blueberry nearly choked, looking at him like he was crazy. "Listen to me!" Blackberry yelped at the judging look she gave him. "Don't you miss the feeling of being connected with our brethren? Me?" Blackberry reasoned as he snorted and took his helm from under her servos. "Yes, but only us two?" Blueberry questioned as her duo's tail curled around hers.

"It hasn't been never heard of before, just a bit uncommon. We'll be stronger! More connected!" Blackberry continued to push, his tail curling more around hers. "Please?" He whirred softly and nudged his helm in-between her neck cables before she huffed. "Fine." At that singular word, Blueberry felt Blackberry shifting and she did too. The smaller the bot they merged into was, the more teamwork that needed to be done, mostly just to mass-displace their frames into spots that usually wouldn't handle it. When they were done, she felt a little bit taller, more muscular, actually a lot more muscular.

She looked at her frame and realized Blackberry took most of the paint job, realizing most of her frame was black in color, though she saw some stripes of blue on her sides and near where her tires were situated. Speaking of tires, she was still a two-wheeler, just a motorcycle, she knew this because she felt smoothed out. She realized where both the other tires went when she knocked onto her chassis, they went into her chassis and back. It generally sounded like he mix of knocking on metal and what it would sound like to hit a tire. She also realized she was a police motorcycle, to be specific.

She realized this as she looked at the small police sirens on her shoulder pads, that would be so annoying to other bots, she just has to figure out how they work. For a name, considering the ridiculous amount of bots with names that are equally ridiculous, she's just going to be named Deputy. Deputy moves her servos, a bit thicker than Scraper digits and servos, around her frame, feeling herself out. She really wished she had a mirror so she could look at her face, she wants to see her optics. She wonders if her optics would be blue or red, or maybe black. Or maybe she was heterochromic, and she had blue and red?

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