Chapter 13: Mechanical Instincts

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Skyhawk felt himself tapping back into consciousness when he heard the door to his cell, well, the cell he resided in, open. He felt....better....still half dying though. There was about three of Lockdown's minions walking into the cell, two with guns and the other one rolling in what looks to be a carry for something. Skyhawk got a better look when the bot got close, they must have thought he was still in recharge because one with a gun judged his helm with it. He snorted and opened his optics wider, making the minion's back up.

Skyhawk looked over at the carrier thing and saw an actual alive cow, where they got if from, he doesn't know. The cow seemed distant, or panicked, probably because it's in a whole different environment. The one with the carry nudged the cow and one with a gun opened the carry, the cow ran out of the sort of cage carry and Skyhawk couldn't help himself. Despite the restraints, Skyhawk lunged forwards and grabbed the cow rather gently in his intake, right before he ended up swallowing it whole instead of snapping it in half.

He could feel the cow squirming, breaking, and die in his constricting throat pipes before he allowed it to fall down his intake tube. The minion's looked rather disgusted, but Skyhawk didn't mind and licked his derma. The minion's, seeming to decide that they should leave before their next, started walking away. Skyhawk let them, it would be no use attacking now, since they know he's dangerous and possibly still aggravated, which he was.

Skyhawk watched them leave with a small huff, he'll watch them die to his talons before he ever will let them survive. Skyhawk lowered his helm to the ground again, it was no use being upset, what's done is done and his fate rests up in Lockdown's servo's. Not some servos one would like their life to be rested upon, but it's not like he has a choice. He just hopes that the kids will be alright, their strong, they'll be alright.

Silversilk didn't feel alright, she felt hopeless, like she wanted to crumble up and die. She watched as the ship flew away, nothing she could have done but stare at it as it went. Skyhawk, her sire, was captured, and all she could do was stare. How pathetic of her, he would be disappointed in her. No, there's no use being pessimistic now, there has to be something she can do to save him. There has to be something the Birds of Prey can do to save him.

Silversilk let out an audial piercing hiss and she could hear the Scrapers whine at the loud noise but felt all attention gather on her. "We need to get him back." She stated the obvious, but no doubt most needed to hear it. "How? That ship is probably crawling with guards, we'll have no chance against beings that have fought for millennia!" Frostbreaker argued as he stepped forwards, Silversilk hissed at his disobedience, but he was a rank higher than her, so she couldn't do anything about it.

"We need to try something! He's trapped on that ship, and probably dying, if he isn't dead yet, or if they haven't killed him already!" Cherrybomb cut into the argument, making optics fall on her. "We have no way of getting onto the ship without being noticed. We have no chance." Frostbreaker continued to argue, making Cherrybomb huff in frustration. "You big bots may not be able to sneak on, but us small ones will be." All optics landed on Talon, the Avian was silent the entire time Skyhawk was being taken. The mass amounts of grief, sadness, disappointment, and hate in his EM field didn't help either.

The Scrapers expressed their approval of this with whirrs and whines being heard all around them. By now, the ship was gone, but with a quick search, Silversilk found it in the city. "You guys can still catch it, let's go." With that, Silversilk transformed and started heading for the city. Everyone followed suite with her, transforming and following in the direction of the city. Though, some Scrapers stayed behind, most likely picking up the passed out frames of Scrapers that got shot and fell asleep tying to pretend to be dead.

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