Chapter 10: Age of Extinction

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It was cold. That was what Kenelm knew, or atleast, for a long time. After the battle for the Matrix of Leadership, he had flown away, as known by all who knew him. His processor wasn't clear in his memory, he's been alive for as long as the Prime's. Kenelm and The Fallen both had a share for Sadism, which was why they worked together so nicely. Kenelm didn't have a care for life that wasn't his own species, and The Fallen was greedy, and didn't like organic life. It was quite upsetting to know that both were presumed dead. Even though The Fallen came back, Kenelm did not.

It was because he never left the planet. Sure, he could have easily flown back to Cybertron. But where would he go? Who would take him? Even the littlest of protoforms knew that Kenelm worked with The Fallen, and if The Fallen was declared evil, so was Kenelm. He had flown on the organic planet for only Primus knows long, his systems were tired, his processor wasn't clear. All that he knew, was that it was cold. It was a freezing cold that he hadn't experienced before because he never went to such planets.

Kenelm's systems couldn't keep up with the cold, and before he knew it, he had grounded. His thrusters were cold, his wings were could, his frame was cold, he knew his frame was freezing over. He didn't have the energy nor Energon to fly off the planet, nor fly out of the icy region. He wasn't looking where he was going, and he bumped into something large, due to his large size, the mountain around him collapsed onto him.

Kenelm let out weak screeches as he felt the cold rock and ice fall onto his frame, he could feel his frame trying to induce stasis. Kenelm closed his optics, not that he could see much anyways in the cold region, and he allowed his frame to induce stasis. It had been far too long since he heard a voice, and it was a large one, almost bursting his audials. Kenelm looked around in the now dark void, it was cold, like the icy region, but more bearable. He didn't know how long he had been in stasis, but it was definitely not long enough for him to survive the death of the universe.

Also his frame wasn't that strong, the death of the universe would surely kill him. So, where was he? Kenelm let out a chirp as he heard a slight rumble on what he supposed was the ground. Kenelm looked around until he saw something in the distance, something that looked small now, but if he could see it at that far, it was bound to be trouble. Kenelm prepared to take off until he heard the voice speak up. "Do not fear, little one. I am not here to hurt you." This freaked Kenelm out, so much that he almost started frantically squeaking.

Kenelm looked back at the small blob, noticing that it had gotten bigger and the thing was actually walking towards him. Kenelm let out a war screech and started charging towards the being, if he was going to go down, he was going fighting. Kenelm stopped halfway through his charge because he realized his opponent was about four times bigger than him, and they were still some away. The thing must have realized it was actively scaring Kenelm, because it stopped and kneeled towards him.

"Are you afraid, little one?" The thing had asked, and he realized that their voice was considereably softer that before, perhaps to calm him. Kenelm let out a screech in refusal, he was never scared! The Almighty Avian Warlord was never scared! Kenelm flinched and almost fell over when the being chuckled, fluffing up his feathers in defense. "I do believe everyone has to be scared, at least, every once and a while." Kenelm shook his helm, he wasn't scared, he was just....skittish.

The being stood up and started walking again, making Kenelm tense up, but not run away. Once the being got, like, right in front of him, Kenelm had to crane his helm up just to see something that wasn't his pedes. The being went on his stabilizer and Kenelm's frill raised up in right. "Relax, I'm not here to hurt you, little one." This didn't help Kenelm's fear, but it made him lower his frill. The being, who he now knew as another Cybertronian, smiled softly, it made Kenelm's spark swell.

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