Chapter 4: The fallen rises

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Skyhawk woke up to whining, yet again, for the hundredth time this weak. Surprisingly, it's been Insect that has been whining, about Silk bullying him. "Silk, stop bullying your brother." The spider-like sparkling crawled over, looking huffy. "He's been in my space." Her sassy voice says, her arms waving around. Silk had grew, yes grew, two more pairs of arms. Making her look more spider-like in bot form too, she has weird pedes too. They are used for balance, so they aren't straight, their a bit curved so she can crawl up things.

Skyhawk rolls his optics, venting deeply at the two Sparklings. Surprisingly, they've been growing pretty quickly for sparkling. Well, as far as Skyhawk knows how long sparklings take to grow. Silk has become the size of Skyhawk's pede, which is about almost the size of the Arcee trio. Insect is still smaller than her, the size of a boulder, same bulk too. If Skyhawk had to guess, it may be due to the fact they were made on Earth.

Cybertronians made on Earth may grow faster than Cybertronians on Cybertron. Then again, Skyhawk doesn't know much about their biology. If Skyhawk had to guess, when they get old enough, Silk would be the size of Ratchet and Insect would be the size of Bumblebee. Skyhawk also assumes that would be terrifying to see if you didn't know the two, a giant spider-like bot and a giant insect-like bot.

Skyhawk is brought back to attention when he hears a hiss, a hiss he knows so well. Skyhawk turns and grabs Silk in his servo, just in time, as she jumped up to pounce on Insect. Silk started scrambling like she was actually an insect, which made Skyhawk shiver as her movements felt weird in his servo. "Silk, enough." Skyhawk said coldly, making the spider-like sparkling stop struggling.

Silk had stopped moving, looking down sheepishly. Skyhawk sighed and clicked his digits, which made a rapid clicking sound as he clicked them. Silk squealed and jumped and swiped at his digits as he clicked them. For some reason, she was obsessed with him clicking his digits. It was something he only did when he was frustrated, which she only heard it by chance. Skyhawk was clicking his digits because he was remembering the battle in the city, remembering how Megatron died so pathetically.

When that happened, she begged him to click his digits again. She then proceeded to jump at his digits until she tired herself into recharge, which was a surprise, since she was always full of energy. Skyhawk having sparklings to take care of didn't mean he was settling down, far from that. Having sparklings to take care of just meant he had something to do. Skyhawk then noticed Talon flying close to him, also noticing that the Avian was vibrating.

Ever since Skyhawk told Soundwave of the sparklings, he's been trying to sire them. He almost succeeded when Silk took his communications device, but he crushed the device before Soundwave could have said some manipulative shit to his sparkling. Talon answered the call for Skyhawk when he got close enough. "What do you wannnnnnnt." Skyhawk whined into his communications device, making Soundwave pause before speaking.

Beeps came from the communications link, Talon answering them with his squawks. "I just wanted to check in, make sure your dumbaft hasn't died." Wooooowwww, rude. "Well, I'm perfectly fine, so are the sparklings." Skyhawk huffed out pettily, making Soundwave sigh and probably roll his optics. "I can hear, thank you very much." Excuse you? Do not sass the bird, he is sassier. "Well thannnnnnk youuuuu, Mr
Communications officer." Skyhawk replies sassily, making both Talon and Laserbeak pause their conversation, before continuing awkwardly.

"How is Dispensor? I have heard from Talon he was going to make his cannons more deadly." Soundwave nudged the conversation in a different direction, probably trying not to start an argument with the only bot that actually talks to him. Lonely glitch. "He is focusing on replacing his soda cannon with a bullet cannon. Production isn't going too well since none of us know how to do so." Skyhawk explains, talking like their highschool sweethearts or something.

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