Chapter 8: The gods aren't with us

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Now, you might have been wondering where the hell Skyhawk was when all of this was going down, as he was not seen anywhere. Well, it has something to do with Kenelm and him not being able to keep his intake shut about the fact that Skyhawk now know he exists. And who, might you ask, did Kenelm tell? Well.....

"It is nice to finally meet you, young Avian." Primus, that's who. Skyhawk had officially been done giving a hell when Kenelm had literally snatched his consciousness and bring him into the void. Skyhawk was just happy that he was in his berth when that happened. You know, just laying in his berth, listening to 'Teeth' by Lady Gaga. And then suddenly a jolt of pain goes through him and all he sees is his big aft ancestor and darkness.

Skyhawk didn't know what to say to literal Primus, but Primus was patient with him and merely smiled at him. Did he mention that his visor had disappeared too? That seems to be a common occurrence when he comes in here. "Um....hi." The look that Kenelm gives Skyhawk when he said that almost makes him sputter to come up with a better greeting. Primus chuckles softly, putting his servo down for Skyhawk to supposedly step on. Now, Skyhawk didn't really believe Primus existed, because he's an atheist who, if shit doesn't happen in front of him, it doesn't exist.

Skyhawk hesitated for a moment, until Kenelm got impatient and rudely pushed him forwards, making him collapse onto Primus' servo like a damn ragdoll. Primus seemed to not mind him getting mech-handled and allowed his servo to come up to optics height. "Kenelm has told me so much about you, how you're passing on his legacy." Kenelm took great honor in that compliment, showing as he puffed up his chassis proudly. Skyhawk doesn't even know what to think anymore.

Skyhawk was clinging onto Primus' servo, as if the god would allow him to get dropped. Skyhawk looked up at Primus and squinted, he didn't look like the original Primes, then again, he didn't even know what they looked like. "I do my best, for what it's worth." Skyhawk didn't know if he should call Primus, lord, or his name, or god, but Primus didn't seem to mind the lack of proper manners. "And it is worth more than you know." Primus then blinks his optics before a hologram came out of his optics.

"May The Birds Of Prey come to take your spark to the Well of the Allspark, as you have lost your way a long time ago."

Skyhawk saw the scene where he had spoken to Megatron in the Avian language, he didn't know what caused him to say it, so he assumed Primus had an answer. "You had said that the Birds of Prey were to take the lost spark to the Well of the Allspark." Primus comments like Skyhawk didn't just see the hologram himself. The hologram closed out and Primus gained back the soft look in his optics, his optics looked distant when the hologram was on. Skyhawk nodded shyly, not knowing what else to say about it.

Now, one might be thinking why the hell Skyhawk is acting so shy and weak. Well, how would you react when you come face to face with your literal god. Also he doesn't have his damn weapons. "Are you content in keeping your word?" Primus asks him, making Skyhawk perk up slightly and tilt his head, wondering what the hell he's talking about. "Little one, you have the Allspark inside of you. You can make other Cybertronians out of your own will." Now, that it where Primus is wrong, for some reason. "Um, Primus?" Skyhawk asked, interrupting whatever Primus was going to say next.

Primus' optics widened slightly and his optics ridges raised, showing he was listening and curious about what Skyhawk was to say. "The Allspark works on its own, I can't control it." Skyhawk told Primus something that he most likely already knows. "Young one, you do use it, you can harness it's power. You have used it to create others as well, have you not?" Primus asks softly, not seeming to mind Skyhawk interrupting him. "Well, yes, I have, but those were only accidents." Skyhawk feels bad for saying that his sparklings were accidents, but it only starts when he's stressed.

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