Chapter 12: Losing his mind

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Skyhawk awoke with a start, and by a start he means Dispensor curling up next to him instead of Frostbreaker, the mech is naturally very cold. Skyhawk opens his optics and looks down at Dispensor, who jolts upon him moving. "Sorry." Dispensor mumbles and goes to moves away. Skyhawk huffs and pulls him back, it's too early to be up in the first place. Dispensor tensed up before relaxing and quickly falling back into recharge as Skyhawk wraps his wings around him. Skyhawk just takes the time to look around the church, looking at almost everyone's sleeping forms.

He says almost everyone because Silversilk is awake and tending to Critter, and he relates to that because Talon is needy like that too. Silversilk cooes to Critter, who makes a chittering sound back. Silversilk snapped away her mandibles and brung her face-plates close to Critter, nuzzling her smaller symbiote. Skyhawk finds himself sighing at the sight, which caught Talon's attention, whomst was laying and watching the same sight next to his helm.

Talon shuffles rather uncomfortably before he jumps up and chirps at Skyhawk, who turns his helm to look at him. Skyhawk watches as Talon rather awkwardly nuzzles his helm, he appreciated the gesture but it was clear the affection made Talon uncomfortable. "I'll be fine, it's alright." Skyhawk mumbled to Talon, who stopped nuzzling him and looked up at him. "I don't want to make you feel like I don't like you or anything." Talon grumbles, scratching his talons against the ground.

Skyhawk tilted his head at the rather random accusation. "Why would you say that?" Skyhawk sounded genuinely confused and concerned, the feelings radiation through his EM. However, this seemed to make Talon even more upset. "I couldn't protect you." Talon stared at the webbing on his wrist, making Skyhawk look at it too. The webbing was becoming less and less sticky, like a bandaid being worn for too long. Skyhawk attempted to rip it off, but the moment his digit even touched the webbing, in his peripheral vision, he could see Silversilk's helm snap over to him.

He slowly removed his digit, but Silversilk came over anyways. She hissed at him and waved her digit, like she was silently reprimanding him, like a child. She then used her sharp digits to rip the webbing off, the armor on his wrist was still a bit burnt, but was healing on its own pretty fine. Apparently, that wasn't enough for Silversilk, as she spat some more webbing onto his wrist and started manipulating it to cover the same area the last one did.

Skyhawk hummed at that, he also saw the way her mandibles twitched everytime his digits did when he held in a breath of pain. It still stung, but he would be able to use it when the time comes. Silversilk shuffled in place for a moment, looking at the webbing to make sure it covered his entire wrist and some of his servo. At this point, Dispensor awakened when she first approached and was just waiting for her to move. Silversilk then moved away after fretting a bit more over the webbing and his arm as a whole.

Dispensor groaned and stretched his limbs out, unlike the others, he hadn't gotten any bigger than he had before and was the one of the smallest of the group. Skyhawk shook his head and moved his wings away from the small grounder. Skyhawk finally began to stand up when he noticed that Frostbreaker and Cherrybomb weren't actually asleep and was just staring at him through their visors. He noticed this when Frostbreaker began tilting his head everytime his wings moved and Cherrybomb start to shuffle away everytime he wasn't looking.

Cherrybomb was the first of the two to bounce up, literally. Frostbreaker stood up like a normal bot and put her to shame. Cherrybomb subtly went over to her stuff and began fretting over if anything was touched. Skyhawk was sure you could put most of that stuff in one bottle and it wouldn't do anything. Skyhawk was sure that if you put some of that stuff in the same bottle, a concoction of explosions acidic properties would happen. It's why he doesn't touch her stuff.

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