Chapter 3: Gathering sparklings

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Skyhawk literally woke up to Megatron saying his name, and he shivered in fear and disturbance. Skyhawk transformed into hawk form and flew up, trying to get his processor to do its job. Skyhawk finally got his processor to do its literal job and flew to Talon's coordinates, he hoped it wouldn't lead him to the entire Decepticon armada. Talon sent fear and anxiety through the bond, which didn't help Skyhawk's anxiety in its whole.

Skyhawk prayed to Primus he wouldn't meet any Decepticon, Primus forbid, Starscream or Megatron on his way. Skyhawk spent his good ole time too, not wanting to deal with drama. Talon, as if sensing Skyhawk was taking his time, sent annoyance through the bond. Skyhawk sighed and straightened up his body to go faster, hoping he wouldn't go too fast and beat the Decepticons there. Talon was on the move, but Skyhawk had his coordinates anyways.

Skyhawk was flying through the air, the wind whistling as he flies straight through it. Skyhawk got to a practically deserted military base, some humans still running around, most likely medics. Skyhawk had an itch to kill them, but he let it aside just this once so he could focus on finding Talon and this new sparkling he's talking about. Talon flies for a few more moments before feeling a weight near his helm. "Miss me?" He asks his familiar cockily, who sends annoyance through the bond. "You take too long, the sparkling doesn't like heights too much." Talon says through the bond, motioning to his talon.

Skyhawk stopped gliding, hovering in place. Talon opened his talon and what Skyhawk register as a cellphone transformers and crawls up Talon's body to get a better look at Skyhawk. The sparkling looks up at Skyhawk from Talon's head, the avian didn't mind as he raised his head up higher to allow the sparkling to get a look. "Little insect." Skyhawk chuckles, the little sparkling reminding Skyhawk of a spider, but of a crab too.

The sparkling tilts it's head, and it beeps tinily, Skyhawk coo's at the sparkling. The sparkling, now dubbed 'insect' for now, until he gets a proper name. Insect beeps and jumps from Talon's head, which makes both bots panic to try and catch him. Insect lands on Skyhawk's beak, which makes the bot huff, but he made sure he didn't huff too hard. Insect let's out a little growl and makes a tiny missile appear, trying to intimidate Skyhawk.

Skyhawk opens his wings fully, allowing his missile, which was easily bigger than the sparkling, to come into view. Insect retracts his missile and shy's away from it, making both avians laugh. "You'll get there one day, little one." Skyhawk purrs, making Insect move around with energy. Skyhawk opened his spark chamber, which had a tinier spark revolving around it. The tinier spark was Talon's, the two spark bonded to become familiars.

Insect crawl over to Skyhawk's spark chamber and tilts his head in curiosity, before opening his chamber. It was so tiny, it would be so easy to crush. Their spark came closer to each other before merging, it didn't hurt, just felt a bit tingly. A tinier spark appeared around Skyhawk's spark, revolving around his spark like Talon's did. Insect's spark glowed brightly, he seemed more energy filled than before. Insect sent happiness and excitement through the bond, but he couldn't speak through it just yet.

Skyhawk sent reassurance and calmness through the bond to calm the hyper sparkling. Skyhawk didn't want the sparkling getting involved in a fight he wasn't going to win. "Talon, take Insect and go to a safe space." Skyhawk ordered of his familiar, who looked at him like his processor was scrambled. "What!? What happened to being together!?" Talon squawks a tilt through the bond, making Skyhawk sigh. "You have to take care of Insect." Skyhawk said, tying to end this before he takes too long getting to where Sam is.

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