Chapter 15: Planet Ubanti

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It was a normal cycle on Cybertron for the young Avian, if you could even call him young. Skyhawk was on a break, something he got if he was good enough, it was only for a few Groons though. However, he bid his time we'll, by hanging out with a particular flier he had met in an academy, one he wasn't supposed to be in but that part is irrelevant. As Skyhawk flew his form through the air, looking for the flier, he thought about life on Cybertron. It was great, he liked his job, he liked helping bots and getting to know them, it's actually how he met his new friend.

Skyhawk finally saw the flier flying through the air and minding his business, business that the flier was going to ruin. Skyhawk flew above the jet before his talons grasped onto the flier's wings, making the flier gasp and squirm in his talons. "Well, well, isn't it my lucky cycle, I found myself some new prey." Skyhawk purred as he watched the jet squirm, letting out a few noises and probably a few Vosian curses. Skyhawk finally let the flier go and he could practically feel him glaring at the avian despite still in alt-mode.

Skyhawk could only give a sly smile, or something similar in his avian mode. "What's the matter, Screamy? Not happy to see an old friend?" Skyhawk teased, lowering himself so that his wing tip touched Starscream's wing, to which the jet tilted on purpose so they weren't touching. "I'm not in the mood." The flier just huffed, tryin to fly faster to initiate that the conversation was over. However, Skyhawk was really pushy. "What's busting your wing?" Skyhawk asked as he used his helm to nudge the flier slightly, causing him to grumble again.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Starscream asked slightly snappily, which made Skyhawk's helm lower to that his optic stared into the glass that protected Starscream's cockpit, and he could practically feel the flier shiver at the gaze. "I'm on break for a few Groons." Skyhawk informed Starscream as his helm nuzzled and moved around the glass that surrounded Starscream's cockpit, making the flier grumble but tolerate it. He was always interested in Starscream, the prince of Vos, as many know, also the prince of whining about everything.

Starscream tolerated his presence, and he only ever interacted with the flier when he wasn't with his trine brothers. He once saw the prince flying with his trine and he may or may not have spied on them for the rest of his break before he had to go guide a new bot. Starscream actually looked content with his trine, not the grumpiness from now. However, Starscream wasn't yelling at him to go away or shoving him away, so he considered that a plus. It wasn't until Starscream tilted away slightly that Skyhawk stopped, giving a soft chirrup that he swore made Starscream sigh.

While Starscream wasn't as slightly as many would wish he would be, Skyhawk found beauty in him. While it may not have been a secret that he liked mechs over femmes, many mech's didn't like him, for some odd reason. However, he found that because Starscream didn't mind his presence, perhaps they could form a relationship together. It didn't have to be romantic, but Skyhawk would have loved to talk to someone who wasn't Talon. Skyhawk flew above Starscream, the two not speaking at all as they flew in the skies. It was a nice silence, at least to Skyhawk.

Skyhawk's helm lowered to Starscream and he found himself smiling before remembering that the flier could still see him, but he didn't look away, odd as it was. After a few moments of staring, he felt a jolt of anxiety from his EM, as well as a slight gasp come from Starscream, most likely noticing his staring. Skyhawk huffed and shook his helm, blowing soft steam at Starscream, who seemed to shiver slightly. His EM trembled before fixing itself and holding tight to his frame, though Skyhawk felt the shrivel of fear before it pulled back.

Skyhawk nearly snarled, he's always been a vocal Avian, but he held it back to not scare the prince. Skyhawk glided to the side until their wing tips touched again, this time, Starscream didn't move away. Skyhawk didn't move, afraid he would scare Starscream away with the slightest of movement or sound. "Why are you here?" Starscream's voice sounded out from his alt-mode, and Skyhawk tilted his helm at the words. "What is it that you want from me?" Starscream corrected his words and Skyhawk still found himself a bit confused.

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