Chapter 6: The Fallen shall stay fallen

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A certain large Avian was perched at the top of The Star Harvester, the tip of his wings almost touching the ground. Hearing a distant growl come come from his leader, the Avian arose. His wings raising up and creating dust and wind as he flaps them when he stretches. This, unknowingly, caused irritation to the soldiers pulling The Star Harvester, as they were getting dust and sand in their joints. The Avian, most likely, jumped up and glided in the sky, landing behind the bot that is called; The Fallen.

The Avian sets down his claw-tipped wing for The Fallen to stand on, but The Fallen refused and kept forwards towards the organic life that watched them closely. It was oddly satisfying, seeing The Fallen, a mere bug that he could've squashed, walk towards the organic life. Kenelm didn't like violence very much, but it didn't mean he was against it. He was an Avian, a natural instinct to hunt and dominate his prey.

Compared to The Fallen, Kenelm could hold the prime in his claw-tipped wing, had it been a servo like the rest of them. Kenelm's large presence was met with wariness and aggression from bots that didn't know him, they were often met with their sparks getting torn out for the disrespect. Kenelm watched as The Fallen jumped over to the organics, watching them tumble over themselves in panic. Kenelm also jumped over, letting his wings soften his fall.

Kenelm let out a screech as he landed near, watching the small organic life tumble over themselves. Kenelm reached over with his mouth and picked one up, watching it squirm in terror in his derma. Kenelm threw the organic up in the air and caught it in his intake, feeling it squirm it's way down to his tanks, where it will forever perish. Kenelm took a step forward, his talon seemed to step on something squishy before it popped and stopped moving. He must have stepped on one, no use thinking of it now.

Kenelm picked up another in his derma and threw it in the air and caught it. The organics weren't that tasty, but they made up for it with their screams and squirming. Kenelm heard the familiar bristle of The Fallen's audial receptors(?) and looked over to see an impatient Fallen staring at him. Kenelm huffed and dropped the organic he was about to eat, it fell to the ground, but stopped moving once it hit the ground.

Kenelm jumped up and glided towards The Star Harvester, watching as The Fallen follows closely. Kenelm didn't question The Fallen on what he did, personally, he didn't care and was bored anyways. Kenelm hissed as he landed on the ground, almost stepping on a bot, who scurried out of the way last second. Kenelm screeched and clicked at the bot as an apology, the bot didn't seem to know his language and thought he was yelling at it, causing the bot to move further away.

Kenelm watched as The Fallen finally got back to where they were, Kenelm watching what organics were left retreat. The Fallen bristles his audial receptors and Kenelm returns the gesture by raising up his frill. Even though Kenelm and The Fallen didn't know how to communicate with each other, the two seemed to know what each other wanted. Kenelm knew that The Fallen wanted to destroy the planet with The Star Harvester, he just needed to get the Matrix of Leadership from the other primes.

Kenelm wasn't a Prime, far from it, actually. He was made, or perhaps born, to protect, to guard. It seems that no bot knew this, however, as other bots, that weren't The Fallen, were afraid of him. Kenelm watched as the bots started going back to work, and turned his attention to The Fallen. The tiny bot seemed to be in his own processor at the moment. Kenelm leaned down and huffed air at him, clicking and tweeting at him despite knowing he can't understand him.

The Fallen only reached out a servo and flicked Kenelm, making the Avian screech dramatically. Whatever The Fallen was thinking of, it must be important, he only does that when he's annoyed. Kenelm looks over at The Star Harvester and jumps up, gliding over to it and lands on it, making the whole thing creak at his weight. Kenelm raised his wings over his head and proceeded to go into recharge, he'll wake up soon, he's sure of it.

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