Chapter 9: Primus take the wheel

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Skyhawk jolted awake when his Heads-Up Display notified him he was getting a comm. Skyhawk raised his helm and a Scraper fell from his helm and onto the floor. The Scraper scrambled before stopping, looking around, and then jumping onto Cherrybomb and presuming their nap. Skyhawk ex-vented softly and answered the comm link, his voice tired because he just woke up from recharge. "What is it?" He asked, having half a processor  to fall asleep on the comm link.

The voice paused for a moment before speaking. "You sound tired, I was going to ask for backup, but apparently you're sleeping." This made Skyhawk jolt up, making the Scrapers sleeping on his body fall. Skyhawk got up from his resting position, only to fall because he tripped on Cherrybomb's frame. This movement woke up Cherrybomb suddenly, causing her to kick Dispensor in the chest, causing him to be abruptly woken up.

Skyhawk walked away from the awakening pile of bots and continued to speak with Optimus. "No, no, I'm up, we'll be there in like...." Skyhawk looked over his shoulder pad at the pile, Cherrybomb has already started yelling in Spanish at the Scrapers. "....Five kliks." Skyhawk mumbles through the comm link, but has no doubt Optimus heard it anyways. "I'll see you then." Optimus says before he cuts the comm link, making Skyhawk ex-vent heavily.

Skyhawk looks over at the pile, everyone was basically grumbling to themselves, trying to salvage their sleep. "Get up, we got a battle to go to." This made Cherrybomb jump up like Skyhawk just dumped water on her. "I'll get to test my rail gun!" She yells before running and leaving the room, presumed to go get ready. Everyone else didn't have anything they needed to specifically get, so they were still laying on the floor, waiting for the que to where they should actually get ready.

Skyhawk ex-vented and picked up Talon gently in his servos, his Avian familiar squirming in his servos and putting his wings over his head. Skyhawk puts Talon over his helm, putting his digits in a position where he was holding Talon's frame and wings and Talon looked majestic. Talon, apparently getting the reference, squinted his optics and opened his intake. "Rawr." Skyhawk never thought he would hear Talon literally say 'rawr', and he never thought it would have made him so happy.

Skyhawk giggled to himself while cradling Talon to his chassis, meanwhile his familiar was trying to figure out how the hell they made it this long. "Dad?" Cherrybomb's voice called out to Skyhawk, making him stop giggling and let go of Talon, who took the opportunity and flew back to the pile to peck everyone awake. "I have a question." Cherrybomb continued when she noticed she had Skyhawk's attention, making Skyhawk nod for her to continue. " know how you said the 'Cherry' part of my name came from my paint job?" Cherrybomb asked, her tone suddenly becoming awkward.

Skyhawk raised an optic ridge that she couldn't see and slowly nodded his helm. "Soo.....Silversilk had told me that humans sometimes call their.....virginity; a cherry." Skyhawk couldn't control the gasp that left his intake and his helm snapped over to Silversilk, whomst has trying to sneak away, by Dispensor had a death grip on her. "And like...the bomb part of my name doesnt help." Cherrybomb wasn't helping Skyhawk's sudden stress.

Skyhawk stumbled and fumbled over his words, his vocalizer glitching before he reset it and took a deep in-vent in and ex-vent out. "I didn't I tend for your name to be like that, I was just naming you off the top of my processor. You can change your name, I could care less." Skyhawk starts rambling because he's panicked and Cherrybomb rubs the back of her neck cables. "No, I was just wondering if you knew." Cherrybomb then walks out of the room again, totally missing Skyhawk's optics twitch.

Skyhawk personally felt like stabbing himself with his sword, but then remembered he had to outlive Sentinel now and groaned. "Birds of Prey!" Skyhawk calls out to them, everyone finally getting up, everyone who could actually fight that is. "To battle!" Skyhawk raised his servo as he crumbled it into a fist and then started running out of the base. The others yelled and the Scrapers hissed and growled as they followed Skyhawk out.

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