A Fiery Showdow!Masters 8 Begin![CHAPTER 1]

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AN:-Before i start let's make some things clear,The age grouping for Ash will be like this

OS-Ash(Kanto-Johto)Will be 10 years for Kanto and 11 for Johto.

Hoenn-Ash:12year old.

Sinnoh-Ash:13year old.

Unova-Ash:14 year old,hits 15 by the end of decolore islands.

Kalos-Ash:16 year old by the end of his journey.

Alola-Ash:17 Year old.

Finally Journeys-Ash aka Galar-Ash:18 year old.

[Also as in prologue...The past Ash which I will be now refer to him as OS-Ash, is on his way to Johto region...The forest area where he goes ,so that means Brock is with him along with Misty.]

[The Pokemon League offices will be refered to as for example:-Kanto-Johto High Command or PLA office for Indigo League...Our Future Ash aka Just called as Ash will be near outskirts of Pallet Town on the hill...Let the reaction begin!]

[As We know,Pokemon World,A place where creatures called Pokemon co-exist with Humans as they live in Harmony...They accepted each other's Species and fight and go ahead together...Such a bond between Pokemon and Human is...Let's look into a Particular Trainers Journey now,Called Ash Ketchum.Heading towards the Johto Region to register himself for the Silver Conference with his friends Misty and Brock.]

OS-ASH:[excited]Man....I can't wait to register myself for the Silver Conference!How about it Pikachu!Aren't you excited?

[OS-Ashs Pikachu raised his paw in excitement as it too shared it's trainers enthusiasm.]

MISTY:[reprimanded Ash]Now,Now Ash you should not get too confident...Remember Gary did defeat you right?Even though you won the Orange League it wasn't easy to say the least...it took all of your Pokemon to even defeat Drake's dragonite!

OS-ASH:[frowns]I Know about that!It just means i still have alot more training left to do!Don't worry I will surely achieve my goal to be a Pokemon Master!

BROCK:[smiles]Now Misty don't say like that...even though he certainly lacks in his training right now but what are friends for,we will support him to be the very best he can be!Don't worry Ash you have my full support!

[Misty agrees and nods,She may say some harsh things but she genuinely does support Ash and want him to grow more.Untill Screens started forming everywhere,A Big screen formed infront of the Kanto Crew as they were shocked.]

MISTY:[stunned]Hey Brock....do you see that huge screen or is it just me...

BROCK:No I see it aswell...it's not possible for a thing to materialize out of thin air....

[OS-Ash and Pikachu were too shocked to say a thing.]

[Huge Screens appeared out of no where in every big city in the different regions.Tv Screens were shut down,People were scared and worried about this strange phenomenon that is taking place,Regions of Kanto,Johto,Hoenn,Sinnoh,Unova,Kalos,Alola,Galar high authorities were on high alert.]

[Because of this strange phenomenon people were having a panic,So Gym leaders,Elite Fours,Frontier Brains,Champions and International Police were trying their best to solve this...but couldn't come up with any possible answer..they just decided to wait with patience to see if this is a threat or not.Places where TV or huge Screens couldn't form,Instead a small screens materialise.]

Kanto,High-Command,Near Indigo Plateau:-

[In the PLA office for Kanto-Johto,We can see The Dual Regional Champion Lance Wataru with Charles Goodshow the president of PLA[Note:PLA means,Pokemon League Association]we can see the elites of Kanto and Johto aswell,Will,Karen,Koga,Bruno,Lorelei,Agatha.As They were discussing about the phenomenon which has taken place.]

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