The Arrival of Rainbow Bird! A Hope in Despair!PART-1 [CHAPTER 22]

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[AN: Sort of a big Chapter, hope you like it...]

Narrator's POV:

[Winds are raging violently, the clouds are heavily raining, rays of sunlight are pushing through the clouds like a lance pushing against a wall. The Cinnabar Island was in a mess, The homes were ruined with windows cracked and some even broke. The roof of the pokémon centre has been blown away by the winds. The Dense Dark rainy clouds cracking lightning every few moments were travelling further than Cinnabar, In no time they will cover up the entirety of Kanto. Fortunately, the residents of Cinnabar Island have evacuated in time and have settled in Pallet Town.]

[The only group standing on the Island is the gathering of 4 trainers and their pokemons. The Gym Leader of Cinnabar has not abandoned his home and has chosen to fight with the other 3 equally competent trainers in their own rights. Present Ash Ketchum, his Future version and Gary Oak.]

[Opposite to them stood Groundon and Kyogre, originally the distance was only 15 meters but they took some steps back after seeing the Legendary trio birds along with the Guardian of Kantonian Waters. Now the distance between them is around 25 meters.]

[Speaking of the aforementioned birds, they were the infamous Shamaouti birds. Once, they almost caused a region wide destruction through their fight alone. Now they stand against another force which threatens to destroy the entire world, Starting with Kanto. Coming under the guidance of their Mentor, Lugia and joining forces with the humans to deal with it.]

[On top of the 3 birds seated were OS-Ash on Articuno, Blaine on Moltress and Gary on Zapdos. While Ash was seated on top of Lugia. The pressure released by 3 legendary were enough to caused anomality's in Kanto but what will happen, when these 5 face off. What severe effects Kanto will go through.]

Ash's POV:

[This is not good, i was hoping this little journey will be a small vacation for me but it seems that wherever there is Ash, then there is some sort of trouble.]

ASH:[shakes his head.]Well they backed off a bit but no doubt they will start advancing towards us as soon as their Master commands them.

[Lugia side eyes Ash and asks.]

LUGIA:[asks with a hidden heavy tone]What do you mean by that Ash, Masters? Which force is powerful enough to control the very personification of nature itself.

ASH:[scratches his cheek]Well, i am sure you know about these orbs right, The Red Orb and Blue Orb.

LUGIA:[nods]Indeed i do, the Legends said that these two orbs had power to give birth to water in a drought area out of thin air and bring sunlight and stable temperature to the cold regions. If both are wielded by one person then he can do miracles like creating a miniature atmosphere in a particular region and alter the temperatures and seasons inside it's radius, as per his needs. So an area with lack of sunlight and less water supply is essential a boon if these orbs get to those areas.

ASH:[jaw dropped]Wait what? That's the original purpose of the Orbs?

LUGIA:[nods]As far as i know, Yes. Although i'm not sure what do you mean by "Original purpose".

ASH:[coughs]Well, all i know is that somehow the Red and Blue Orb can control these 2 titans, the orbs are essential a part of their lost powers. So, whoever wields them also has the ability to awaken one of them and control it to throw the world in eternal drought or heavy rain.

LUGIA:[sharp look]I see....[side eyes Ash]Let's try our best to subdue them, My Chosen One.


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