Leon vs Alain[CHAPTER 2]

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[the whole world was in shock,with those rules especially when the part came 3 gimmicks and the 3 users clips, although the z move user face was hidden which let to disappointed sighs in Alola.Now the much anticipated battle of Alain vs Leon,People are excited to watch it.Even Leon wants to see how does the rookie does against him.he was curious to how Alains Chestnaught will fair against rillaboom]


[As soon as their Pokeballs thrown and their Pokemon materialized,the scene changed into a place where all other champions were watching the match except Ash.]

CYNTHIA:[looks at iris] Where's Ash?

IRIS:Oh,Ash said he'd watch it with Goh.

[A scene of Ash sitting at the stands beside Goh and Hop shows.]

IRIS:He said he wanted to feel the heat of the stadium up close.

DIANTHA:That's just like Ash[says with a smile]

CYNTHIA:You're not going to join him?[questions to iris]

IRIS:Oh,um..Actually I had something,i wanted to ask you two...[says she Wiggles around a bit]could I take a photo with you?!

CYNTHIA:So that's it[says with a smile.]

DIANTHA:Of course![shows a dazzling smile.]

LANCE:[looks at Steven]it sounds like you know that Alain well.

STEVEN:[closes his eyes and smiles]As the stones guide me.Yet,to face Leon right away.I hope he doesn't get overwhelmed.

[Then a photo of Cynthia,Iris,Diantha taking selfie comes up.]


[The world was again surprised by this behaviour,it seems the two most beautiful women and the strongest female champions knows the rookies well.]

WITH Sinnoh High Command.

BERTHA:It seem you know the rookies well huh Cynthia...atleast the Unova and Alola one..

CYNTHIA:[hum in response]Well...we must have met somewhere in the future atleast once...

FLINT:Or maybe that Alola Champion caught the future you eyes..[says with a teasing smirk]

[Cynthia ignores him but their a small rosy pink colour adore on her cheeks.]

With Kalos High Command:

MALVA:[smiles]It seems I was right that Alain guy does possess a mega stone.

SIEBOLD: Yeah it seems that Champion here knows the Alolan Rookie well,i wonder have they met in the future or did the rookie came to Kalos at some point in his life.[says with a questioning look.]

DRASNA:[smirks]Yeah it seems Diantha in the future is quite fond of him too...

DIANTHA:[red face from embarrassment]Stop it Drasna!I Don't even know the guy!Stop making assumptions unnecessarily!

[Drasna just smirks and says sure,sure.]

With Kanto High Command:

LORELEI:It has begun...well it seems all the champions knows the rookies well in the future based on their interactions.

AGATHA:[nods]That's right...let's see how powerful that Leon is..

LANCE:[sweats&thinks]That Leon guy,his composure wasn't broken at all in the opening ceremony....the posture he has shows his confidence in his skills as a trainer and champion...i must be careful of him if i face him..

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