Meeting of Lance,Future Ash saves the day![CHAPTER 7]

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AN: So, I wanted to try something so theirs this 3 characters I added, I dont know if I should keep them or not but you can decide it. If you want to see them in this story then ill keep them or ill remove the entire dialogue or mention of them.

With Hoenn High Command:

[A Silence was reigning in the office as they were contemplating over something.]

PHEOBE:[saddens]Steven lost...

DRAKE:[nods]We really Underestimated the boy.

SYDNEY:[shocked and frustrated]I can't believe...Steven got beaten by a chump....impossible!

GLACIA:[frowns]no one expected it...I am sorry Steven.[looks at Steven and apologizes.]

STEVEN:[shakes his head]It's hurts to see my lose in the screen...that I won't be winning the championships...

WALLACE:[smiles sadly]It's alright Steven...not everyone can keep gave your best and that's what one expected the boy will carry so much power in a Pokémon which the whole world made fun off..

STEVEN:[Smiles in satisfaction]Well you are right about that Wallace. I guess this also means I have a lot more room to improve..[sighs]Maybe I think it's time to step down from the seat...

[The elite fours were confused at this. Even Wallace but he may have a faint idea.]

DRAKE:[curious]What do you mean Steven?

STEVEN:[smiles as he looks at Wallace]Wallace you and i have been friends for a long always had my back but after seeing this...I think I will leave the champions seat to you,I will resign as Hoenn champion for some time...I need to travel the world and improve of now I have been relying just on my talents and confidence which is no good...So will you accept to be the Champion of Hoenn Wallace?

[Everyone in the room was shocked, Wallace was stunned at this...He never thought his friend would drop such a big announcement out of the blue.]

PHEOBE:[worried]Wait Steven, Don't take rash decisions...just because of one loss how can you resign as Hoenn champion?

STEVEN:[smiles]I have seen key differences in the future self and the current me...he seems confident but he didn't underestimate Ash...i just adds to the fact that The future me travelled whole lot and became humble and learned a lesson to not take anyone for granted. I will learn it too and become much stronger than my future self![says the last part with determination.]

[The elite four were stunned, Steven Stone, Was stepping down off his throne and travel the world.]

STEVEN:[smiles playfully]Also I may just travel the world to find different types of stones...since I have always been so fascinated by them! Mega Stones included!

[The elite four fell on the ground anime style, AS they completely forgot their champions love for the stones...They thought he may as well get a girlfriend whose a stone! Wallace laughed loudly at this.]

WALLACE: My, Steven you definitely dropped a lot of things but I am glad that your future self helped you in some way or another to push yourself in the right path of becoming friend I'll gladly take the position of the champion seat but[smirks]You will have to battle me...I don't take freebies you know?Also this battle take place after a year that means you will be champion till a year!

STEVEN:[surprise by Wallace proposal but nods]Okay then....after a year let's have our battle Wallace!

[Wallace nods at this, The Elite four were sad that Steven will leave after a year but they knew this was for the better, since he will comeback eventually like in the future. They wondered if the future Steven also left his position of champion at some point of time.]

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