Shocks, Surprises and GARY OAK! PART-2 [CHAPTER 15]

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[AN: I would recommend to read the Part 1 again before reading part 2 for better experience. Now enjoy the chapter, i am sorry it took so long.]

[Continuing where we left off, After the TYPE-Wild Song, The people around the globe have different thoughts on this, some were feeling pump and excited to see more of his past and future, others were intrigue that he was riding on a FUCKING Latios, especially certain cheat-code trainer. Ash's future rivals were surprised to see themselves on the screen in a fight with ash and matching him equally. Especially Paul and Alain, where both of them were having an edge in the battle.]

[The first Pokemon Professor was intrigue to say the least, Seeing ash's future league fights and so many people beside him, whom he consider his friends. The Alola League fight and finally giving a confirmation that ash versus leon is definitely happening and its looking intense. One thing the great professor couldnt understand is "Where is Yellow and Leaf" they are ash's friends right now, so did something happened to them in the future?]

[The girls on the other hand had mix reactions, Leaf was gaped and fuming with jealous aura, seeing not only misty travelling with ash but other girls she has never seen before. Yellow was unfazed, she didnt like ash romantically, they were only friends and rivals... she would never dare to look at Ash as an romantic interest.]

[The Kanto Gym leaders of Celadon and Saffron city were staring at the screen with a blank look but a jet black/purplish aura was covering Sabrina. The Champion of Sinnoh and Kalos though... they were feeling something that they couldnt describe... they were for the first time, feeling jealous that they couldnt travel like the way ash could, of course they cant feel jealous over any other thing...right?]

In Pallet Town:

GARY:[shocked]Holy Shit! He made so many friends and rivals in the future? Just what is he trying to do, speed run his way to becoming the most popular person in the world?

LEAF:[Smacks gary]Idiot, you only saw that in that entire song... Did you not see the amount of female friends he has?

GARY:[rubs his head but blinks]Holy're right...[gains a slight grin]So Ashy boy is on a quest to own a harem? did he give up on Pokemon Master?

[Leaf was about to say something but soon Gary, Tracey, Leaf felt a chill up their spine...they turned around to see Delia looking at them with a deadly glare and smile that says only pain awaits them.]

TRACEY:[stutters]M-miss d-delia...i think y-you should calm down.

DELIA:[smiles sweetly]Oh i will calm down...dont worry. Its just that the idea Gary proposed is way too absurd. Do you think ill accept such claims about my baby boy?

GARY: But i thought you wanted ash to get a girlfriend!

DELIA:[nods] I do want him to get a girlfriend like a normal boy...but multiple girlfriends? Way too absurd...its also illegal and not ideal.

[For some reason leaf felt disappointed that delia rejected the idea... oh well...We can be creative right?]

OAK:[assures delia]Its alright delia, calm down. As long as we adults are here, we can come to some agreement regarding ash's love life. Right now, there are some more pressing matters.

[Delia takes a deep breath but still has a glare on gary, who just gulps.]

LEAF:[thinks]Phew...Professor saved my butt right there, but harem huh...doesnt sound too bad for some reason...sheesh just what is wrong with my it too much to ask for a quite happy marriage life with ash?

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