Alola's First Champion Vs Sinnoh Champion! PART 1[CHAPTER 11]

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Kanto-Johto High Command:

[The room was tensed for many factors, One Misty is still angry and had not returned yet, which is causing OS-Ash and Brock a sense of worry and concern for her, Ash wasnt feeling much other than the fact he knows that she will return till 2nd half of the match, Second being Goodshow and Lance met future Ash, for once they believed that Arceus is playing with them for his entertainment to keep giving them such shocks, Third and the final for now is the elite eight and yellow are still knocked out from the shock and it seems they wont be here to watch the 1st half of the match.]

LANCE:[sighs]Well, dont worry much and lets focus on your match Ash.

[Both Ash looks at him and nods, This got lance twitching his eyebrows.]

LANCE:[heavy sigh] Goodness Arceus, why do i have a feeling that after everything is done, ill end up with the worst possible headache ever. One Ash is already a handful and now theres another one.

BROCK:[tries to deviate OS-Ash's mind] Well Ash.[Both Ash looks at him which causes him to sweat drop] I meant the one who has the reckless nature.

[Again both kept staring at him, Brock sweats more seeing this.]

BROCK:[sighs]Something dont change in the future also it seems. The one who keeps roasting people left and right?[Sees The future ash stops looking at him.]

OS-ASH:[Speaks up]Hmm you want to say something brock?

BROCK:[nods]Yeah about the match between your future self and Cynthia, I Dont mean to hurt you or anything ash but cynthia is really strong, i would say she is the strongest champion before we got to know of Leon.

OS-ASH:[gulps]I know brock, what else am i suppose to do? i need to keep trying right.

ASH:[hears what his past self says and nods to himself]Indeed, you should keep trying until you achieve your dream, The Masters Tournament was my goal to reach one step closer to my dream of being a Pokémon Master.

BROCK:[smiles] Dont worry Ash, i wont blame you if you lose to Cynthia, after all she is the 'QUEEN' of Sinnoh for a reason and many strong trainers fear her, Her Garchomp is fearless and can defeat most of the pokemons with ease.

[OS-Ash eyes widen at that, he was confident that his future self will breeze through cynthia's entire team with ease, Now here brock was telling him such a terrifying information about cynthia. On the other hand Brock was smirking internally, he knew how to knock ash down from his high ego, When ash learned his a regional champion and defeated steven stone, he was sure OS-ASH ego was also rising. He knows about the potential ash has now thanks to these videos but the ego will only hinder him in his growth. So brock did what any brother would do, instill some respect and fear into ash for cynthia.]

[Ash was grinning ear to ear at what brock was doing, Although little did brock also know, He actually won against the same Garchomp.]

ASH:[smiles]Alright enough chatting, lets watch the video.

[Everyone in the room nodded as they also want to know how the battle played about.]

In Pallet Town:

OAK:[hums]Sinnoh Champion Cynthia against Ash, an exciting matchup it seems. One is known for her sheer strength and cunning tactics which made many trainers cry and quit their journey as a trainer, While Ash is extremely out of box with Pokémons that have abnormal amount of strength.

[Tracy nods and is just getting his sketch book ready.]

LEAF:[tense]I hope ash will be fine, his up against the strongest female champion and most probably the strongest champion in the world before we got to know about Leon.

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