The Final Showdown! Clash of Brute Strength! PART-3 [CHAPTER 13]

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AN: well here is the final part of Ash vs Cynthia, Hope you all enjoy. Also can we seriously reach 200 Followers...I never realised that the counter reached in 194. Huh I barely say follow me. Anyways enjoy the chapter.

[The world was getting over their shock, They just learned that Cynthia had a Dynamax band in her possession and she used it for her Togekiss, The odds were with Cynthia's easily now. What can a Lucario do, even if it Mega evolved.]

[Leon was getting excited for the battle he was about to witness. He really did wanted to have a clash between Dynamax versus Mega Evolution or the famed Z-Move of Alola. In all seriousness, he is about to march towards Kanto and Sinnoh and have his future fight right now.]

Kanto-Johto High Command:


KAREN:[stunned]When did Cynthia travelled to Galar and got herself a Dynamax band...

WILL:[shocked]Help us Arceus....we are doomed!

KOGA:[nods]Indeed we are will....just imagine the power her garchomp will have with Dynamax...

LANCE:[sighs]This is quite shocking but i am more surprised that she opted togekiss for dynamaxing instead of her garchomp.

BROCK:[stunned]How will ash deal with dynamax togekiss....

MISTY:[nods]Especially when he has a fighting type lucario against it.

OS-ASH:[gulps]That Togekiss is huge!

[Misty's togepi was watching the Dynamaxed togekiss in awe and happiness.]

BRUNO:[serious stare]This will be tough for you ash, Dynamax Togekiss has a huge advantage against your Lucario.

AGATHA:[nods]Indeed, lets not forget that Togekiss is a fairy type while lucario is a steel better hope that your lucario knows flash cannon.

[Hearing all this OS-Ash sweats more, he forgot that cynthia is a merciless queen in battles, can he even defeat her togekiss when pikachu couldnt do it, much less defeat cynthia herself?]

In Pallet Town:

TRACEY:[stunned]What a magnificent Togekiss...especially its dynamax form, i need to sketch this quickly!

OAK:[rubs his chin]This is troublesome, Dynamax Togekiss will have increased power in its flying type attacks...Lucario could be in lots of trouble.

LEAF:[surprised]Dynamax togekiss is sure looking powerful...[worried expression]how will lucario win then professor?

GARY:[smiles]Well Lucario is at disadvantage from one perspective but from the other he is also at an advantage, Togekiss is an fairy type too...Lucario is a steel type as well with fighting, you could say they are both in neutral position.

LEAF:[surprised]Really? Then ash may have a chance...[thinking look]If thats the case then why didnt Ms. Cynthia opted for Mega Evolution instead of dynamax.

GARY:[smirks]Well many factors could be considered in that decision, 1. Garchomp was already tired from its battle with Sirfetch'd, 2. Ash was expecting Mega Garchomp throughout the fight, so she may have decided to throw him off by using dynamax.

[Everyone were surprised by Gary's input, he was unusually quite for past few clips but this observation from him, helped them understand the current scenario much better.]

OAK:[stares at Gary] Since when my grandson got so observant.... Hmm am i sure that i brought the correct Gary Oak back with me...did team rocket hide my grandson or something?

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