Lance vs Diantha!Brute Strength vs Strategy![CHAPTER 3]

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[the world was in excitement yet again as they get to see the Kanto-Johto Champion face against the Kalos Champion,As they screens showed the match]

With Kanto-Johto High Command:

[The air was now filled with tension as they watched Lance and Diantha go face each other in stadium,As Lorelei breaks the silence.]

LORELEI:[smiles]Don't worry Lance...i am sure the future you must've came up with some strategy to win!

BRUNO:[Nods]That's right!

LANCE:[gets a relief smile]i hope so...her ace.. Gardevoir may prove to be a big hurdle to cross for my dragon types but I have complete faith in them!

[The rest of the elite four nods as Charles smiled.]

GOODSHOW:[smiles&thinks]You really have grown more matured Lance!

With Kalos High Command:

[The same air was filled in the Kalos PLA office as Wikstorm says.]

WIKSTORM:[analytical look]Don't falter on your plan Diantha...your strategies are not to be underestimated be confident!

DRASNA:[nods in agreement]That's right!Your team is a force to reckon with too!Have some faith you will win this for the Kalos Region!

SIEBOLD:Your win will bring us fame and glory!

DIANTHA:[nods&smiles]Thanks everyone I hope my future self does win...if not I'll try to improve on her mistakes..[brings out her Gardevoir who is confused]Listen here Gardevoir that right their is us in the battles carefully it might be beneficial!

[Gardevoir understands and watches the screen with intrigue.]

With Hoenn High Command:

WALLACE:Kanto-Johto vs Kalos...interesting match,the region where everything first begun vs the region where Mega evolution originates from...

PHEOBE:Indeed...i don't know who to support since whoever wins get to fight the Monarch Leon!

STEVEN:[sighs]Both Lance and Diantha are great trainers...this could go either way...

With SINNOH High Command:

FLINT:This will be exciting hand Lance the dragon master but on the other the beautiful,strong yet elegant Kalos Champion....

CYNTHIA:[smiles]We just have to wait and see who will win!

With OS-Ash:

OS-ASH:Lance it finally here look guys![says with stars in eyes.]

MISTY:[smiles proudly]Indeed..he looks just as handsom right if not more!Go Lance Show them the Power of Kanto!

BROCK:[blushes]Oh man Diantha looks much more beautiful on stadium than in spectators ahhh...

With Leon:

LEON:[excited smile]Lance and Diantha...whoever wins will face us Charizard...i hope they can show us an good battle!

[Charizard nods in agreement also wanting to know who will win.]


ASH:Diantha and Lance,huh?Which one should I cheer for?

GOH:Ash,you know both of them?

ASH:Yeah!One time I even got to battle Diantha.

HOP:[sweats and amazed]That's incredible!Even my bro thinks highly of you!You must have some knack for getting Champions to notice you!

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