GMAX WILDFIRE VS 10,000,000 Volts![CHAPTER 20]

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Giratina Domain, The World of Anti Matter:

[The Creation Trio, as they were referred like that by humans were watching the finals of Ash vs Leon...they got bored of playing ping pong so they decided to be the viewers of their own predicament. But they also saw something strange, Well more Like Dialga saw it.]

DIALGA:[sweats]I see, they acted rather quickly...

PALKIA:[looks at Dialga]Hmm...what do you mean?

DIALGA:[avoids eye contact with Giratina]Well, you both remember how the Chosen One fought those evil organizations like Team Rocket and Flare in the future?

[Both of them nods in confirmation, they weren't called CREATION TRIO for nothing, they like Dialga can determine future threats but just ignore it...except Giratina takes this duty seriously...Palkia and Dialga on the other hands...lets say they are more of the troublesome kids of Arceus.]

GIRATINA:[stares at Dialga]So, whats wrong with that?

DIALGA:[sighs]I saw in my vision that the evil team leaders have gathered together and are having a discussion on how to bait Ash...




GIRATINA:[furious look, as he shouts.]SAY WHAT?[His deep voice filled the entire realm as it echoed.]

PALKIA:[eyes widen]Seriously, anything else you saw?

DIALGA:[Looks at Palkia]Um...if they managed to make that one possibility i saw, real...then we are screwed.

PALKIA:[curious]How screwed are we in a scale of 1 to 10?


[Suddenly Dialga was hit with a Dragon Pulse on the face.]

DIALGA:[groans in pain]Ow...[mumbles]I totally deserved that...

GIRATINA:[glares at Dialga]Theres plenty more where that came from.[takes a deep breath]You do realize if they managed to co-operate with each other, then it will be very difficult to stop them all together...Let's not forget that if they managed to get hand of Ash Ketchum of this timeline, it will still be disastrous.

DIALGA:[mumbles]I know...

PALKIA:[nods]i agree with him, Just because ash has less pokémon right now, does not mean much...he will still grow into a competent trainer and if team rocket ever tries to train him under their expertise...his charizard is still a force to be reckoned with.

DIALGA:[nods]Yeah...but we can still fix this...

GIRATINA:[question mark]And how are you going to do that?

DIALGA:[smiles a bit]Well, all i have to do is ask another favour from our Future Chosen One...





[And Again Dialga was hit in the face with not just Dragon Pulse but Flamethrower as well. Which Palkia barely managed to use protect on dialga before Giratina slaps the heck out of him.]

GIRATINA: Are you crazy?! Just because he is here to help his past self from the troubles you caused...Does not mean he is free to accept more troubles.

DIALGA:[exclaims loudly]But it could work! PLUS HIS WING MAN GARY OAK IS ALSO HERE.

GIRATINA:[sighs]Not happening, fix your own problems...

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