Alola Champion's Arrival![CHAPTER 10]

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[The Whole world was stunned and had a face of awe, Seeing the Cool Greninja and Lucario transformation was epic but this was something else...a power formed by pure determination, many never heard of or saw yet. In fact this took interest of many veterans and beginners, thinking if their starters can also perform with same determination. Though they had one thought in their mind...not just the trainers but the citizens of all the region. 'How does Ash Ketchum catch such rare Pokémon's'.]

[Evil teams in particular were interested at this phenomenon, many of the scientists working for them started thinking crazy theories which could fit the Alola Champions Pokémon's, as they dont see a random Pokémon transforming like that or using that abnormal blaze ability something must be going on with his Pokémon's.]

In Pallet Town:

TRACEY:[awe] Woah...[frowns a bit] it happened so fast, i couldnt sketch it on time.

LEAF:[nods with the same 'awe' feeling]Yeah...i never seen a Pokémon power up just with his determination...just what kind of monsters he caught...[says the last part in whisper]

GARY:[stunned&curses his luck as he thinks]Of course he has a Pokémon with abnormal blaze ability... f***, again whatever i spoke is becoming real...why arceus...[Gasps in horror] dont tell me that whatever i spoke in my mind about ashy boy, everything is true... does that mean he has an harem he has no clue about?[chants repeatedly] Please no, please no... arceus dont do this to me!

OAK:[curious] Hmm... interesting a infernape with abnormal blaze ability...pair that with an transformation of greninja, which we had no clue about how is it possible...lucario one makes a bit more sense but still...[thinks a bit with seriousness] can ash use aura? i have heard about it from the books i read and if time travelling is possible why not this?

DELIA:[seeing Oaks expression she comments] Prof. Oak are you alright? you seem to be in a serious thought.

OAK: Oh nothing Delia...i was just making some theories about ash's Pokémon and how unique they are to their own species. If we look at different greninja and infernape they are all pretty much the same with few gaining a hidden ability but ash's infernape and greninja are unique, as if they stand at the top of their species, the peak.

LEAF:[hums] hmm thats right if we think like that...they all are pretty unique, i wonder how did ash's Pokémon got these unique traits.

[Delia hearing both Leaf and Prof.Oak replies nodded, as she understood why they would think so deeply about her sons future Pokémon's even she knows, those Pokémon are not normal by any means and will attract unwanted attention to ash from certain evil teams.]

[Meanwhile Oak was thinking]

OAK:[thinking]Hmm... i cant let anyone know about my suspicious theory...the way Greninja transformation happens and how Lucario and Greninja training arc showed me that both Pokémon's are very much compatible with aura, they can also detect ash's aura from long distances. If i am not wrong then not only ash can use aura but in large quantity, i haven't forgotten the books i read about Aura and Aura Guardian when i was young. According the theory i've been developing on ash and his Pokémon's from these videos, then my only conclusion will be to keep him out of evil hands...[looks at the screen] atleast in the future he will continue being on a good path but i am not sure about the present ash...after seeing these videos and his future coming to light infront of many, i am certain many people will try to influence him in wrong direction or take advantage of his naive self who is not much knowledgeable about other things as he is still young...i need to start making plans to keep him out of the reaches of team rocket.

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