PWC Concludes! Partner Vs Partner![CHAPTER 21]

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[Everyone around the world were in awe and fear...many felt confusion but their instincts told them that this Pokemon is something to be feared. Except for the Galar Region...none knew about this pokémon...While the People of Galar were more or less in panic, to think the Darkest Day would begin again during the World Championships.]

[The Champions of the Seven Regions hardened their gaze at seeing the mysterious pokémon flying above the Wyndon Stadium, The Champions had vast amount of Knowledge, yet they can't figure out the identity of this Pokemon. It makes sense for them though, This Pokemon is a part of the history which never went out of Galar.]

[The Evil Team Leaders, watching this were left in surprise, Although Chairman Rose cleared their doubts and answered their queries...but he had a look of excitement and a look which screamed 'that's mine'. Giovanni was impressed seeing the so called Galar's equivalent of Arceus. A Pokemon which possessed overwhelming Power but it was defeated some sort of Legends called Sword and Shield...he scoffed at such a idea, to think that such a legendary will be defeated by 2 people wielding a old age Sword and Shield.]

[Leon for his part narrowed his eyes, as Charizard gave a serious look, Sonia grabbed his hand with some worry. She Knows Leon very well...Despite being a undefeatable monarch...he cares a lot about the People of Galar, He will always be at the front when the people of this region needs him. Seeing Eternatus must've riled up his gears.]

With Kanto-Johto High Command:

LANCE:[mutters]Who is that Pokemon...

AGATHA: I don't know Lance but i keep getting these chills, just by looking at it.

KOGA:[nods]Yeah, same's like i am facing one of the Creation Trio itself.

LORELEI:[worried gaze]But why did a pokémon whose strength may very well rival that of a legendary, appear all of a sudden.

KAREN: Well...i do hope nothing happens to both of them...

GOODSHOW:[hums]I'll Contact Professor Oak to get information about this Eternatus.

[Misty, Leaf were giving off concerned look...a pokémon of that caliber, suddenly appearing in the middle of the battle when both Champion Leon and Ash's pokemons are tired.]

With OS-Ash and Future Ash:

OS-ASH:[eyes widen]WOAH!


[Both OS-Ash and Pikachu gave surprised looks, they didn't explain a random alien like pokémon to interrupt the battle.]


OS-ASH:[looking all curious and excited]So, do you know that Pokemon?

ASH:[smiles and nods]Of course, but i'll give you a warning...i am pretty sure that you know this already but i'll be honest...I met all the known Legendary pokemons in the world...well some are still remaining but i would say 95% of them are recorded in my pokedex.[says the last part with a stars in his eyes, it's not everyday you get to say something as absurd as this to your past self.]

OS-ASH:[jaw dropped]All of them?

ASH:[nods slowly]All of them!

OS-ASH:[slightly concerned look]Well, considering what i had to go through to just meet Lugia...To meet all the legendary pokemons...did you had to go through the same hardship, we went through Shamouti Island?

ASH:[sighs and gives a tired smile]Well...more or else i did suffer some pain.

OS-ASH:[deadpans]That doesn't reassure me...

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