Ash vs Leon, A Battle of Spirits! PART - 1[CHAPTER 18]

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5 minutes before:

[As Lance challenges Ash for a friendly 2 on 2 battle, the members of elite four of both the regions and Ash's friends were seated to watch the awesome battle between the dragon master and the Alola Champion from future. Surprisingly Leaf was also sitting beside ash, albeit more happy than usual and clinging on to him.]

[Misty couldn't help but give a deadly glare towards Leaf, and Karen being the responsible adult can only watch while throwing some sneaky glares, Yellow just sighs and shrugs her shoulder on seeing the hectic life of her rival from Pallet town, it seems that his love life is more interesting than his entire career at this point.]

MISTY:[thinks with anger building up]Look at her clinging to dare she. Who does she think she is, just breaking inside the room and thinking she could get away with it.[says while thinking about the event which unfolded a few minutes ago.]

*Flashback starts*

BROCK:[serious look]This will be interesting to see Ash's progress as a trainer upfront...knowing him, i know that something absurd will happen.

MISTY:[nods]You bet, Brock. This is Ash we're talking about, i would be really surprised if Ash gets a 2-0.

YELLOW:[chuckles]Oh please, Even if this future ash is stronger than Steven and Cynthia... they both got him down to his last pokémon, i am sure OUR Champion can do that as well.

[OS-Ash was feeling excited to see just how much stronger he has gotten, he also wonders if he will use Pikachu against Lance, Since he is always the go to pokémon for tough battles.]

[Suddenly the door was open, and OS-Ash was surprised to see the person, It was Leaf! She stormed inside the room surprising everyone, but what she did next shocked everyone, including him, She slammed her lips onto his and pulled his head towards her for a deep passionate kiss. It lasted for about 20s before she was forced to pull apart due to lack of air, She had a huge blush on her face but a smile that says she finally did something worth it.]

[If looks could hurt someone, Leaf would be on the ground right now, The way misty and Karen were glaring at Leaf was deadly and all the men in the group just decided to back off and not get involved in this, Brock was crying tears of joy. Although Goodshow looked like someone who found years of entertainment in one moment. He's face was plastered with a amused smile.]

[OS-Ash was in the most shock, to say he didnt expect that was an understatement, Although he did got kissed before from both Karen and Misty, but this was something else the way Leaf imposed herself in the kiss was new to him, especially when she suddenly pushed her tongue inside his mouth and did something brock called Kalosian Style of kissing.]

[Needless to say OS-Ash will need a major system reset, the events that's happening in his life and catching up to him at a rate he least expected. Yeah he needs a Vacation and he hopes that his future self helps him with that.]

*Flashback Ends*

[Well, As everyone was seated and watching the battle unfold, Seeing Ash's Squirtle surprised the Kanto trio a lot.]

BROCK:[surprised]Woah, Squirtle has come a long way...

MISTY:[nods in amazement]Yeah, even i am surprised at how Squirtle can go toe to toe with a Champion's Pokemon.

OS-ASH:[PROUD SMILE]Totally Awesome Squirtle! You rock!


BRUNO:[surprised a bit]Hmm, Interesting so this is his Squirtle in the future now? As far as i remember from those top 16 clips, a Squirtle was barely able to take down butterfree.

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