Questions are answered... [CHAPTER 16]

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AN:- alright the chapter here is bit different from other was suppose to be out yesterday but I had to study for future exams.


*Explosion* *Flashes*






*Loud ROAR*

[All we can see right now is huge explosions with blinding light of three different auras, The shockwaves increased in intensity with each attack as the three creation trio continued their battle, Dialga's domain has truly became a battle ground.]

GIRATINA:[smirks]Well, its truly been a while since we had our three way battle.

PALKIA:[nods]Agreed, Been a while since i kicked both of your butts.

DIALGA:[grins]Nice try but our powers are perfectly equal.

GIRATINA:[nods]So true...but as we speak, more time will pass in the human world and more people will try to know more about Chosen One...

PALKIA:[scoffs]Oh please, Chosen One can handle himself...he has faced our father in the future...he is more than capable to deal with some mediocre humans.

GIRATINA:[deadpan look]Are you serious? THE CHOSEN ONE YOU ARE TELLING IS A 100X stronger than the current one, If the people who he was suppose to meet in the future, gets intrigue with him to meet him right now, The timeline will diverge vastly, Then we no longer can predict the chosen one's future.

DIALGA:[stops him]Correction, i can still see the future of the chosen one seems that father already has it covered.

GIRATINA:[confused]What the hell are you on about?

[Suddenly a bright golden light covers Dialga and his eyes widen in shock, for a brief moment Dialga seemed to be nodding to himself and then the golden light went away just like it came.]

DIAGLA:[mutters] I see, i understand now.

PALKIA:[gets impatient]Hey Blue face! What was that golden light? and stop muttering to yourself, and explain it to us.

DIALGA:[shakes his head, then glares at Palkia]Will you be patient for once in your life?

PALKIA:[smirks]Patient is my middle name.

DIALGA:[annoyed look]This is ridiculous, Apparently...two people sneaked off behind our back when we supposedly having our sibling reunion.[glaring at both]

GIRATINA:[still confused]What are you blabbering about...just cut to the chase, will ya?

DIALGA: Fine! You see, i just got father's message...from the future that he saw our actions he sent in the PRIME Ash Ketchum here to deal with the mess...along with the Prime Universe's Gary Oak. He figured that the chosen one may need his first rival's assistance in this quest, figures that Gary Oak is the only one to know Ash for so long.

GIRATINA:[forms an O Shape while saying 'oh']Oh!...oh...oh shit..

DIALGA:[Deadpans]Yep, thats an oh shit moment for sure.

PALKIA:[asks Dialga]So...what are we going to do?

DIALGA:[shrugs]Ill let the two stay for time being, until their task is done. Once, the two finished their task then our future self will immediately get them out of this universe.

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