A Champion Under Pressure! PART- 2[CHAPTER 19]

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[It was time, the battle between two champions was intense from the start. Ash managed to get the early win but Leon quickly closed the gap. Everyone throughout the 9 regions watch in silence, wondering how Alola Champion will come out of this.]

With Unova High Command:

MARSHAL:[serious]Hmm, this is quite the turn... Galar Champion is as swift as rumours say...

CAITLIN:[nods]Even though we saw him fight Alain and Ms. Diantha, he mainly brute forced his way out, this is quite different...

SHAUNTAL:[adopts a thinking pose]Maybe he just found his match in terms of power, there must be a reason for him to propose the idea of Ash to use all of his gimmicks...no sane champion would ever propose such an idea, when there championship title is on the line.

ALDER:[serious look]He just has that much confidence in his skills...

MARSHAL:[surprised]Alder...what do you mean?

ALDER:[sighs]Think about it, Ash has showed some amazing battle tactics in his match against Cynthia, and quite the power against Steven, Its like ash is a second version of leon, he has both strategical mind in battle and power to back it up, Leon is the same...We can already see that Leon himself possess unique pokémon with some traits to differentiate themself from others of its species.

SHAUNTAL:[eyes widen]Right, His Inteleon can dual wield...its something thats extremely rare in its species, Only through high amount of training and hard work can make it possible.

ALDER:[nods]And let's not forget, His Mr. Rime, no one will expect Leon to have such a pokémon but thats make it an unpredictable card in his team. Many trainers will most likely not know how to deal with the Galarian Version that differs from its counter part, who most are familiar with.

GRIMSLEY:[smiles]You made some great points, Champion....its seems that your passion is igniting, once again.

ALDER:[grins]Maybe, but seeing battles like this can even make me get pumped up and serious.

With Dragon Village:

DRAYDEN:[serious]That Galar's Champion, his quite the trainer for sure...

IRIS:[sweats]His strong... how can someone beat him.

DRAYDEN:[looks at iris]Watch the battle carefully iris, this may very well be the turning point and the push you need to become a good dragon tamer.[Thinking]Undefeatable Champion huh, it seems like he finally decided to quit playing around...when i heard that he is purposefully handicapping himself by allowing ash to use 3 gimmicks...but how wrong can i be.

IRIS:[confident look]But Ash can definitely turn this around, he has 2 of the 3 gimmicks left still, After all they are supposed to be extremely powerful right.

DRAYDEN:[shakes his head.]Iris, you cannot be so wrong.


DRAYDEN:[serious look]Gimmicks like Mega Evolution, Z-Move, Dynamax...they are all powerful in there own rights but they are certainly not invincible...with proper strategy and training, even an average trainer can beat a mega evolution pokémon. Think of it like this, Gimmicks like these are used to boost your overall damage output, everything depends on the training you give to your pokémon.

IRIS:[mumbles]Training i give to my pokémon...

DRAYDEN:[Nods]Thats right, the stronger your team is, the better they can utilize the gimmicks, the stronger the bond is...then in return you will have to best synergy with them, Thats why, train like you really mean it...pour in every bit of passion you have for pokémon battles and bond with your Pokemon, results can only be achieved by dedication, hard work and sometimes your natural talent.

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