Alola's Ray of Hope!A Champion to be feared!PART 1[CHAPTER 5]

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[The silence was too much,What they saw,they didn't expect it,no one knew what to say...The Alola Champion or a Rookie trainer in the ranks of Champion with unknown amount of experience,has such a complicated history.The first ones to get shocked were Kantonians as they were now really sad to do that to the young Champion...they didn't mean to but they can't give any excuse because it just happened few weeks ago too,Alolans were the 2nd one to be shocked...they didn't expect they would grow so attached to the boy,they did a whole chant of respect for him...they are going to take a little longer to recover from the shock.]

With Kanto-Johto High Command:

[Silence reigned in the room as even Goodshow is stunned by the scene.]

LORELEI:[disbelief]Is this for real? this how our regions people treated him?

WILL:[serious look]Even I am shocked...i thought Kantonians encourage their trainer to grow more...

KAREN:But this isn't's like...

AGATHA:[sighs]discourage?hmm yes indeed it is,to see and I am sad to say it is our lands people who said those to him... apparently this news is still fresh as it happened weeks ago in Indigo Plateau.

BRUNO:[also sad smile]I am also sad to see our people's way to disregard young talents...

KOGA:No wonder he went ahead and reminiscent about that memory in a bitter tone...

LANCE:[frowns]i expected more from the people of my land but...[smiles a bit]it seems the boy took that as a challenge and grew infinitely stronger...this humiliated serverd as a reward later which is...

GOODSHOW:The Alola Leagues First Champion...[smiles]I guess now we understand why he didn't succeed in Kanto...he had a destiny to fullfill in Alola...he said Alola Region is his family...I would say it's his true family..

LANCE:[nods]Indeed,it's hard to find a region so attached to it's champion... especially if it's the first champion...I am proud to say he was born in our region of Kanto!

[All other elite four nods at this,they too were proud a young Champion was born in their land.]

AGATHA:Now [serious eyes]we just have to see,how powerful he is...

[The other elites got serious at that,really wanting to see the Power the Alola Champion would be foolish to say he is a rookie now..]

In Pallet Town:

[The whole place was in silence...they expected to see a video about Ash's lose in Indigo League,They didn't expect it to happen so soon.]

OAK:[sighs]i expected the bitter memory to show up sooner or later,but didn't expect it to show up just before his match...he must be really feeling a alot of pressure their huh...

DELIA:[clutches her hand]My boy...his not going to lose this,i can feel it...the lose he took just made him grow stronger...the Ash in the future is the same baby boy i know right now...Professor [smiles]Theirs no need to worry...My boy is strong,he won't get depressed by this easily...he will get back up!

GARY:[felt a bit of pity at the sight of Ash loosing indigo league]i never knew he took that lose so seriously....well it was his first league...[determined eyes]No way ashy boy will dishearten by that!If I am suppose to be his rival then he can't give up so easily!

TRACEY:[smiles at Gary's speech]Yeah...the Ash we know always manages to get back up!

OAK:[smiles]atleast he found a family other than us right dear?[looks at Delia]

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