Delia Ketchum's terrifying interrogation! Ash vs Lance[CHAPTER 17]

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With Ash & Gary:

[We can see Ash chasing gary who was laughing and giggling at the thoughts of stories to share with Delia Ketchum, Too bad they didnt realize that they already reached the Ranch and someone saw them.]

ASH:[feels his pokeball wiggle]Huh-[the Pokeball opened in burst of blue light]Lucario? Why did you come out so suddenly.

LUCARIO:[closes his eyes and his body glows in blue aura, his hair stand up in air defying gravity]I sense someone...someone is watching us.

[Gary seeing all of this stopped in his tracks and ran back towards our Pallet Town Player Number 1.]

GARY: Whats up Ash...why did you call out lucario so suddenly.

ASH:[serious look as he looks around]He says that someone is watching us right now.

GARY:[surprised] Hmm...watching us huh...glad we still have our hood on.

LUCARIO:[opens his eyes]Its over there![points at the window where OS-Gary is.]

GARY:[looks towards the window]Huh...thats the laboratory's window...[eyes widen]then that must mean that either Gramps or My past self saw us.

ASH:[sweats] how are we going to explain this to them now...I am pretty sure that they saw our faces, we did have our hoods off for a brief moment.

GARY:[nods]Well we were going to meet your mom anyways, we may as well meet gramps and my past self. You met yours, now its my turn...i am so excited to meet him or do i even say it? is it me me?

ASH:[Returns lucario]C'mon lets go Gary, dont dwell too much on things we got no control over.

[As he says that both of them started running towards the Lab, But the past gary already left to inform everyone.]

*Inside The Laboratory*


[OS-Gary quickly goes back and sees Gramps, Tracey and Leaf talking with Delia who was calm now.]

OAK:[notices gary]Oh Gary, you came back quickly, so what did Lance said?

OS-GARY:[sweat dropped]I completely forgot about that...Well Gramps... i didnt called our Champion yet because..

OAK:[raises an eyebrow]Because?

OS-GARY:[takes in deep breath]Well you wont believe what i saw but Gramps i think i just saw-

[At the moment gary was going to speak the door bell rang, OS-Gary froze at that, Leaf went to get the door.]

LEAF:[sighs]Well who could be at this hour of time..[opens the door]Well Mister but Professor Oak is bu-[Leaf became complete statue at the faces infront of her]W...what? But how?

ASH:[smiles awkwardly]Well... can we meet Professor Oak and Mom?

[Leaf just did a complete reboot of her brain, seeing the exact same Ash infront of her who she was watching on those weird doubt she would've fainted if she didnt saw that she was legit infront of her crush.]

LEAF:[nods dumbly]Uh yes, Professor is right in here along with Ms. Delia.

GARY:[smiles]Well then what are we waiting for...lets go ash!

[Leaf leads them both towards the rest of the group but she kept throwing glances at Ash with a blush on her cheeks, which she found very hard to hide. Gary saw this and smirked internally.]

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