The Young Dragon Tamer vs Queen of Sinnoh![CHAPTER 4]

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[The world was yet again excited for the upcoming match,after the match between Kanto-Johto Champion and Kalos Champion,They really got riled up for the match which is just as Exciting if not more since it's the young Unova Champion against the Queen of Sinnoh Cynthia!]

With Kanto-Johto High Command:

[The air was yet again filled with tension as they clearly knew Cynthias amazing and brutal strength so they were worried about the Young Unovan Rookie.]

LORELEI:[smiles warmly]I just hope the Rookie manages to hold on long...

KAREN:[nods]Yeah after lance...she is the only other Dragon Prodigy left in the tournament...

BRUNO:Unova vs Sinnoh....a region which is secluded from others for being too far away and the other one reigns supreme in current time.[says with a frown]

LANCE:[smiles]Whatever is the case...I'll see the Young champions skills and potential in this match...

With Hoenn High Command:

WALLACE:[interested look]Yet again a match up we didn't expect..Unova vs Sinnoh....I really can't fathom what could happen in this match....

DRAKE:[nods]Indeed...we can't disregard the fact of the Unovan Rookies potential....she did made it till rank 7 which says alot...

STEVEN:Whoever wins advances to semi-finals....for some reason I don't have much faith in the rookies...after seeing them get beaten by the Older doubt they have great potential but it's not enough[says with a sigh, completely confident that he will win against the Alolan Rookie.]

WALLACE:[frowns]Steven I think you should watch before you make any judgement it could cost you your battle you know?

[Steven nods at this as he was willingly to watch atleast the battle.]

With Sinnoh High Command:

[A air of tension and competitiveness was spread among the people of the room.]

FLINT:[smiles]Don't worry,Cynthia we know you will win!

BERTHA:[nods]That's right...we will finally get to see one of the champion rookies potential in battle..who better than Cynthia herself to see it.

AARON:[smirk]i am confident Sinnoh will come out on top!After all whose stronger than Cynthia anyways other than Leon?

LUCIAN:Indeed other than Leon...i don't see anyone defeating Cynthia...not even the rookies...It's fitting Cynthia goes in the semi-finals and then finals and win it all.

CYNTHIA:[Smiles]Thank you all!for placing so much trust in me I will definitely fail![brings out her Garchomp.]Garchomp currently we are watching out future self battles all the different types of champions maybe you should watch it too...who knows you could learn some tricks from your future self!

[Garchomp nods really curious how powerful she has grown in the future..]

Unova High Command:

[The room was filled with a air of dread and tension as Alder breaks it.]

ALDER:[smiles]Don't worry,Whatever happens to the Young Iris....we shall support her...Results don't matter if one gives his all!

CAITLIN:[smiles sweetly]That's right....I sometimes forget that you can mature too[Laughs jokingly at Alder who blushes a bit in embarrassment.]

[The other elites also chuckled and agreed to support the young future champion.]

Village of Dragon:

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