Greninja And Lucario! Aura of destiny![CHAPTER 9]

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[Currently we can see a Stunned Lance and a Shocked Ash looking at the figures who appeared, since the figure was Yellow, who was said to be equal to Elite four in Strength from the experience she accumulated from her journey in Kanto and Orange Islands without Rookie Mistakes. She used a Charmander as her starter Pokémon on papers but it was her Pikachu who was the terrifying force in her team.]

LANCE:[confused a bit] Yellow what are you doing here?

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LANCE:[confused a bit] Yellow what are you doing here?

LORELEI:[getting out of her shock]Yeah, you said Leaf and you were going towards Mt Silver to catch some rare Pokémon's.

YELLOW:[smiles bit annoyedly] Well that was the original plan, But certain someone appeared in these magical screens, which appeared out of no where.[as she gives a short stare at Ash]

OS-ASH:[regains his composure a bit]Wait, you said Leaf also came? where is she?

YELLOW:[smiles a bit] Well she is currently heading towards Pallet Town, after meeting everyone their, she will meet us here.

MISTY:[a bit jealous] Ash, do you know who is this Leaf person is?

OS-ASH:[nods]Yeah, along with Gary, Yellow and Leaf were another friends of mine when we were kids, Although Leaf started out early, as her goal was not to become a trainer but explore the world.

BROCK:[nods in understanding] I see, interesting childhood friends you have their Ash.

OS-ASH:[frowns a bit] Though i could never understand why Leaf had a red face half of the time when we were alone.

[All the men in the room just had their jaw-dropped, they cant believe that Ash Ketchum is "DENSE AS ROCK". Karen was in disbelief that the boy who just performed such a bold move on her was a dense guy.]

KAREN:[thinking] is their a switch in his brain or something? His dense but at the same time not...ill get a headache at this rate.

MISTY:[jealousy increases a bit] Really now? Dont worry Ash, she must have a fever or something or maybe she caught a cold?

OS-ASH:[nods in confusion] Odd, How can someone get fever or cold suddenly, that too only with me.

YELLOW:[smirks] So Koga, i hope you remember me well?

KOGA:[serious eyes a bit] Of course Yellow, i remember you well. The one who got strong enough to face Agatha in just one journey.

AGATHA:[smirks slightly]Too bad, she never went past me.

YELLOW:[tick mark] What did you say, you old women!

AGATHA:[gets annoyed] Watch your mouth girl! Do you want to taste defeat again!

[The argument would've accelerated, Until Lance stepped in and took the charge.]

LANCE:[sighs] I think you both should stop, we still have more things to do right now other than watching you two argue.

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