Gonna Reach My Goal! Ash Ketchum! PART-1 [CHAPTER 14]

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[AN: The Song used here , does not belong to me. All rights goes to the original creator.]

With Kanto-Johto High Command:

[In the room, you could see everyone had different reactions and emotions on their faces but soon an broad smile flashed on Lance's face.]

LANCE:[smiles broadly]I cant believe it...he won, he beat Cynthia.

KOGA:[nods]We better believe it, The kid just defeated second strongest trainer in the world...at age of 18 no less, this is a huge turning point in his career for sure.

AGATHA:[mutters]Why do i have a feeling something is missing...[looks at OS-Ash who was stunned]Is he hiding something?

WILL:[stunned]A 18 year old did something which half of us couldnt do, is this a joke?

BRUNO:[snorts]If it is then i'm completely fine with it...[smiles]He deserves that win.

KAREN:[smiles]Thats an incredible achievement![walks towards ash who was still stunned]You should be proud ash, you achieved something that most of the elite four are trying for past years. YOU BEAT CYNTHIA!

OS-ASH:[nods]I know...its just hard to believe it...when brock told me how cynthia is so powerful and strong...i thought my future self will lose for sure.

MISTY:[flashes him a smile]Well i am happy for you ash, but dont let that victory get in your head, i know you always become overconfident whenever you get a major victory.[says in a playful tone at the end]

OS-ASH:[eyes widen]Hey! How can you say that! I am beyond my overconfident self right now for sure, just you wait and watch me in Johto League, ill win it for sure!

BROCK:[chuckles]Sure you will ash, we're always here to support you.


YELLOW:[disbelief]Ash beat cynthia...how is that possible...does not compute.

[Yellow who had initially admired Lance when she started out, but as soon as she found out about the Sinnoh Champion, Cynthia, she knew that she was going to be her idol. Cynthia was the perfect trainer in Yellow's eyes and when she sees Ash beating cynthia, she cant figure out how in the world did he beat a extremely powerful and experienced trainer, while ash only had around 6-7 years of experience.]

GOODSHOW:[smiles]Well congratulations Ash for beating Cynthia, Honestly i am proud of you, you took the name of Alola and indirectly Kanto to new heights.[serious stare]But lets not forget you still have one more champion to battle with...he wont hold back, i am sure of it.

OS-ASH:[gulps]I know...Mr. Leon, his suppose to be the undefeatable champion right?

KOGA:[nods]Thats right, dont think too much, give it your all kid.

[OS-Ash just nods weakly, he doesnt know how he will perform against Leon, pretty sure he never fought Leon once in life, after all why would the Undefeatable Champion spare a glance at him? Even if he will be the Alola Champion.]

In Pallet Town:


[Leaf was practically jumping in joy at Ash's victory, ash advanced to final while beating the second strongest trainer in the world. I mean who can beat Cynthia anyway other than Leon, Majority of Elite four still struggle against her team to this day, and this is the future cynthia who is 10x stronger than the present.]

OS-GARY:[mutters while looking at leaf]That's one happy girlfriend, i tell ya...[thinks]But congrats ash, looks like you will continue to take names and kick a**. Good luck for the finals.

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