------ first arc notes ------

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Hi, it's Wilma Zhuo Li.

Thank you for reading "The Merchant and Tavern Master." I've mentioned this several times already, but this is my first time writing a long series. It all started when I was playing with ChatGPT to change the tone of how the English words of my random character sounded (the tavern master), because English is not my main language, so I needed help fixing sentences and finding references.

I made ChatGPT as a Tavern Master with a certain characteristic too. But as I 'interacted' with them, a small glimpse into their world emerged. So, I took all the conversation simulations I'd had with ChatGPT and rewrote them to form a more cohesive storyline. At first, I only wanted to write the story for myself to read, but as new chapters kept being produced at a fast rate, I delved more into Sofia's character and slowly built other characters around the main protagonist, Takahiko.

At this point, the first arc of my story has ended, and Takahiko will continue on to his next destination. Sofia and Madam Ruth will be temporarily set aside. The next arc is quite exciting for me because I've created a character that I really like, and her dialogue and point of view are interesting to me. I'll see you again in the next arc.

Wilma ZL

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