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Isabel POV:

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Isabel POV:


I smile looking at the now dead man on the floor.

"Hell yeah!" Kenji yells running over to me, i laugh shaking my head.

We walk out of the house getting back into his car. we just killed a man I have been targeting for weeks finally we cornered him, but him being a 30 year old man was difficult for me. He's dead now, that's all that matters.

"His face when he realized he was gonna be killed by a woman!" Kenji laughs driving on the empty roads. "Dude i know, he barely fought he just ran."

"Pussy." I laugh getting on my phone, suddenly the devil calls.

I sigh answering the phone.

"Hey dad."

"Isabel! Is he dead?" I let out a little laugh looking over to Kenji who now looks worried by the thought of my dad.

"Why do you doubt me father?" He chuckles which I can only imagine he's shaking his head.

"You are the best Isabel! Now I have something else for you to-" I immediately cut him off. "What! Dad I just did your dirty work, let me live a little before doing something else!" Kenji looks over to me concerned.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" He yells before continuing. "I apologize for making you do so much but you do it best and no one expects you." He lowers his voice now.

I groan not wanting to argue with him anymore. "Okay fine whatever dad what is it?" He pauses like he's thinking before speaking up.

"There's this club I need you to go to tomorrow night, collect some information on this man.. that's all I need." I sigh realizing I'm probably going to have to flirt with a 40 year old man.

I just agree and hang up, not wanting to talk about it any more. "You okay?" Kenji asks and he still has the same worried look on his face, this is why I love Kenji, he knows I can take care of myself but he still cares.. more than my dad. Kenji was the first person I met when we moved to Tokyo, well the first person that spoke good English, he's always been around people in the mafia but never really did anything and after we met he decided to be like my "partner-in-crime" I really can't do anything without him.

"Yeah, my dad is just a dick." He laughs nodding. "Finally she opens her eyes!" He says dramatically.

I roll my eyes slapping his arm, he immediately puts his hand over his arm fake crying, "Owwwww Isabel that hurttttt."

Dramatic ass.

I just hit him in the same spot but harder and we both start laughing.

We pull up to my house and I start getting out of the car.

"Hey do you want me to come to the thing with you tomorrow night?" I think for a second if I do, sometimes I feel like I just drag him around like a dog but I will feel better with him there.

"Only if you want Kenji." He smiles pulling me into a tight hug, he's the only one I really let hug me if anyone else does I will chop their arms off.

I pull away from the hug smiling at him. "Love you Kenji!" I get out of the car shutting the door, he rolls down the window before I fully walk away. "Text me!" I nod running up to my house.

I enter the house code and walk inside, I'm immediately greeted with Sylvia, our maid. "Hi Ms. Pierce, need help with anything?" I shake my head and quickly walk to the kitchen. I try not to talk to her much, I don't want to become "friends" because when my dad decides he doesn't like her anymore and kills her, I don't want her to die thinking we were friends.

I get to the fridge grabbing a water, quickly going upstairs to my room. The last thing I want to do is run into my dad, which is likely because of this huge fucking house.

Luckily, I didn't run into him.

I get to my room shutting the door and sighing, I had a long ass day but tomorrow will be longer.

I take a quick shower to wash off the day, once I get out I put on comfy clothes and rush into my bed. I drink my water and browse through my phone.

I look at the time seeing its 10:30pm, so i decide to just get some sleep. I put my phone down and get comfortable.

As I'm finally drifting off to sleep my phone beeps, I sigh and grab it looking at the text.

Unknown: Hello?

I roll my eyes knowing who it is, I decide to ignore it but before I put my phone back down I get another text.

Unknown: Please stop ignoring me Isabel

I get a weird pit in my stomach but ignore it, it's better this way.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now