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Isabel POV:

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Isabel POV:

Me and Tom have been spying on this dude for 4 hours. He got back 3 hours ago and since he's fucked 2 girls and drank a whole bottle of tequila.

He's now obviously very wasted.

"We should strike now." Tom says grabbing his gun. I nod grabbing mine. We walk out of the room to the elevator.

Once we get down, we head next door to the guys hotel.

We get in going up to the 24th floor and the room.

We first see if the door is unlocked, and fortunately this guy stupid so its unlocked.

We go inside quietly, we walk to the bedroom and we see his back facing us while he's watching tv.

"Got you." I say making the man jump and immediately turn to us.

Tom laughs and shoots the guy.

News to us.. he has a gun too.

Not knowing he had a gun, he immediately brings up his gun, just shooting wherever not paying attention where.

But it was at me.

I hear the loud bang and shot down to the floor, Tom tackles the man to the floor, beating him up.

Then it hits me.


Something I went through for 200 days.

I hate it.

Pain reminds me of then.

When I was weak.

But I can deal with it.

I bring my other hand straight to my wound.

I take off my jacket, and rip the sleeve off. I wrap my arm tight with the sleeve. I stand up grabbing my gun.

I slowly walk over to Tom and the guy, Tom watches as he stops punching him.

The man looks at me scared, his face doesn't even look the same anymore.

"Go.. to.. hell." I say in between breaths.

I bring the gun up to his head, as he lets out his last begs and screams, i shoot him.

He stops moving, talking, breathing.

I look at his dead body, angry.

"Isabel lets go, your shot!" Tom says while grabbing me and pulling me out of there.

We walk out of the hotel in a hurry, as he gets me to his car we drive quickly to the hospital.

After a short drive, we arrive and Tom helps me inside.

"Someone! My girlfriend was shot, help her!" Tom yells while a doctor walks our way.


I scoff and follow the doctor.

He leads me to a room, and Tom gets told to wait outside.

I don't like that he can't be here, but it's fine.

As long as he's in this building.

I'll be fine.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now