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Tom POV:(smut warning ⚠️😈)

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Tom POV:
(smut warning ⚠️😈)

I woke up to the sun beaming through the windows, I slowly open my eyes to see Isabel in my arms asleep.

She's so beautiful.

I don't think I could ever feel this way with any other woman out there, she makes me happy.

I run my fingers through her hair as I keep my eyes glued to her face, just admiring her.

I groan as I hear a phone ringing, I turn to the nightstand and I grab my phone. I groan again as I see Bills name on my screen.

Why is this bitch calling me at 8 in the morning!?

"Hello?" I sleepily mumble with my eyes back on Isabel. "Did you just wake up?" Bill asks as I roll my eyes. "No dipshit I just ran a marathon, yes I just fucking woke up."

"Someone's cranky." Bill says as I hear a quiet giggle from his side. "Who are you with Bill?"

"It's just Hana relax, anyways I was calling to tell you that me and Hana are spending the day together and that we got a drunk man out of Isabel's pool this morning." He says letting out a laugh. I rub my forehead and look back to Isabel who still has her arms wrapped around me.

"Ok have fun bye now-" I almost hang up before Bill speaks again. "AND! That Brian guy was asking where you were this morning." He says, I roll my eyes and groan.

"I'll deal with him."

And with that, I hung up and put my phone down.

I look to Isabel and she looks so peaceful I don't wanna leave, but my empty stomach says otherwise. I give Isabel a kiss on her forehead and I carefully get out of bed.

I throw on some of my sweatpants I left in Isabel's closet and I leave her room.

We obviously had more sex before bed because why not? So I only really feel like putting on pants right now, no shirts fine.

I make my way downstairs and into the empty kitchen, I grab an apple and a coke from the fridge and immediately take a big bite from the apple.

"Why are you still here?" I turn around and see an annoyed Brian standing in the doorway. "I can ask you the same thing." I reply annoyed and keep eating my apple. I see his eyes flicker to my bare chest and he scoffs, looking away. I can tell by this that's he's already intimidated by my abs, making me smirk proudly.

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