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Isabel POV:(3 months later)

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Isabel POV:
(3 months later)

It's been 3 months and mine and Tom's relationship has been going amazing.

Nothing bad has happened to split us up, thankfully. He's everything I could ever ask for, I love him so much.

Tom told me he has a special night planned, he bought me a dress and everything.

I just finished getting ready, I'm wearing a blue dress that's tight but loose below my waist. I paired it with some blue heels. I straightened my hair as I finally finished.

I walk out of the bathroom and walk downstairs to meet Tom.

As I'm walking down the stairs I see Tom waiting at the bottom with my favorite flowers in his hands. He stares at me as I come down, admiring every inch of me.

I reach him at the bottom and he hands me the flowers with a smile. "For my lady." He smirks. I smile and let out a little laugh. "Thank you, they're beautiful." I say admiring the flowers.

"Beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl." He says with a smile, I quickly give him a peck on the lips before going to put the flowers in a vase.

Once I place them in a good spot I leave the house with Tom.

Tom opens the car door for me as I get in, he gets in and starts driving.

"Where are we going?" I ask looking over at bim, he keeps his eyes on the road. "The beach." He replies.

"What!? Tom why buy me an expensive dress for the beach, I got all ready and it's gonna be ruined." I say pouting.

"Don't worry, you look perfect. Just wait till we get there please." He says while quickly kissing me on the cheek before continuing driving.

I sigh and lean back in my seat.

We pulled up to the beach.

Tom gets out and lets me out, we walk hand in hand down the beach. I took my heals off and held them in my hand.

The sun was setting right now so it was a really pretty, we walked together close to the water as the sun hit us.

"Okay close your eyes." He says as he stops in front of me. "Huh? Why?"

"Please Bels?" I sigh and close my eyes. His hands go to my waist as he leads me forward.

"Don't peek." He whispers in my ear, I nod and get walking where he guides me.

We come to a stop and I hear a little movement before hearing Tom's voice again.


I listen and open my eyes, to be met with a beautiful sight. There were rose petals shaped into a heart with candles all around. I smile and step into the heart as I realize Tom's still behind me, so I turn around to give him a hug only to see that he's not standing anymore.

He was down on one knee.

I slightly gasp as my hands go over my mouth.

He's holding a small velvet box, he slowly opens it to reveal to most gorgeous diamond ring ever. He grabs it out of the box and holds it in front of me.

"Isabel Pierce, we've known each other since we were just kids and even our long time apart we found our way back to each other. When we were younger I used to tell myself that I would be the one to marry you, I stopped believing that after you were gone but now I'm not wasting anymore time. I love you more than I can explain Bels, please marry me." He finishes. I can see the tears about to fall from his eyes.

My eyes tear up and I smile.

"Of course I'll marry you Tommy." I say laughing while the tears fall from my eyes. Tom slips the ring on my ring finger, it literally fits perfectly which makes me happy. Tom stands up and engulfs me in a hug, I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and he buries his face into the crook of my neck.

After a few seconds I pull his face back and wipe the tears that escaped his eyes. "I love you Tom." He smiles pulls me closer by my waist, putting his lips on mine. We both make out a little until I hear cheering. I pull away and turn to see our friends.

Bill, Georg, Gustav, Hana, Kaito, and Kenji were all running towards us while cheering. Once they reach us, Bill, Georg, and Gustav pull Tom into a hug and start telling him congratulations, while the rest to the same with me. We all hug each other more until they start talking.

"We got pictures!" Bill says while smiling.

"I'm so happy for you Isabel!" Hana grips onto my arm while jumping up and down a little. "Thanks guys, I'm super happy." I say while leaning into Tom's side, he smiles and wraps his arm around me.

"Let me see the ring again!" Bill walks over to me, I smile and put my hand in his while he examines the ring. "How much was it Tom?" I ask him while Bill raises his eyebrows. "Too much." Bill mumbles.

"It can never be too much with Isabel, I will buy the whole universe for you Bels." He says while giving me a little kiss, I kiss back with a smile. "But seriously how much?"

He clears his throat and looks down. "It doesn't matter." I decide to let it go since I know asking for the price of a gift is rude and I just want to appreciate this moment.

We all start walking back but me and Tom stay behind the rest of the group so we can spend these last moments on the beach together.

My hand is in Tom's as he squeezes it every so often. "What about my dad?" I ask, looking up at him. He looks down and furrows his eyebrows.

"What about him?" He asks.

"We aren't on the best terms, you know how our last conversation went but I want him to walk me down the aisle." I say a little sad as I look down at my feet.

"If he wants to walk you he will, if he wants to be a petty bitch and not walk his own daughter down the aisle on her wedding day then cut him fully out of your life. He will regret his decisions when he's not allowed to see his grandchildren." Tom says, I look back at him to see him already staring at me. I softly smile and nod.

"You're right, thank you Tom." I say, giving him a quick kiss he kisses back and holds my hand tighter.

"Anything for you Bels."

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