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Isabel POV:

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Isabel POV:

I laugh as I hear Jen screaming for help, little does she know no one's gonna help poor little Jenny. I go upstairs and to Tom's room where I grab some shorts and a tank top, and I go into his bathroom getting in the shower. He said he wanted to explain and that usually means there's more to the story so I'll let him explain but if it doesn't make me happy I will gladly shoot him. (No I won't)

I saw the way he pushed her away when she was in pain, maybe I should've read more of the texts before jumping to conclusions, that doesn't mean Jen didn't deserve what I did. That bitch can burn in fucking hell for all I care.

I sigh as I finish my shower, it took me a good 40 minutes to scrub all the dried blood off from today. I might've went out and killed over 50 people, oops?

I step out of the shower and dry myself off before getting into my clothes. I brush my hair and brush my teeth and walk out of the hot bathroom. I go over to the bed and sit down.

Tom POV:

I watch as Isabel walks up the stairs and into our room. After a minute I hear the shower turn on and then Bill walks out. "Did she kill Jen?" Bill asks as he sees all the blood. "Jen has a small chance of living after what Isabel did to her, if she dies I'll get someone to pick her up from the front yard tomorrow." I say, getting up to clean all the blood and salt. I have to say, that was hot. I know Isabel what's to kill me but all I can think about is how I need her. How did she even find out if she didn't talk to Jen? I don't know but I hope she will let me explain.

I finally finish cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom, I heard the shower turn off a while ago. Bill helped me clean but he made me explain everything, he was pissed but obviously told me it would be okay and Isabel will understand, and I really hope she does because I can't lose her.. not again.

I clean myself up a little and start making my way upstairs. I slowly open the door the our room to see Isabel sitting on the bed on her phone. I walk in and her eyes don't even move off the screen. I slowly walk over to hear and sit down on the bed in front of her.

"Bels.." I say quietly. She sighs and puts down her phone finally looking at me. "If you're wondering how I knew, I woke up earlier and went downstairs and heard Jen and Bill talking, so I checked your phone and saw the messages between you and Jen." She says and I can hear in her voice that I hurt her, my heart breaks hearing that. "Baby.. I'm so so sorry." I say as my eyes start to water again. "Just tell me Tom, was this all fake?" Her voice slightly cracks. I take a deep breath and start explaining everything starting from 4 years ago on the night she left.

Isabel POV:

I listen to Tom as he explains everything. Wow I feel bad for yelling at him now, I mean yeah he was planning on killing me at the beginning but he did think I left him for no reason so I can blame him for that. I don't regret what I did to Jen though, she really went after my boyfriend when I was being tortured, hell no.

Tom finishes explaining as he stares at me waiting for me to speak.

"Bels?" He whispers. I look down at my lap before looking back at him. "Is that all?" I ask, he nods.

I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck, he immediately hugs back putting his face in the crook of my neck. "I'm so sorry Bels, I love you." He says into my neck. "It's okay Tom don't worry, I love you too." I rub his back as I lean back to lay down, he stays on me as we just hug.

He lifts up his head and goes in for a kiss, I kiss back and we just slowly make out. I pull away and smile at him.

"Now why don't we get some sleep, I think we both deserve it." I say, he nods with a smile. I help him take off his clothes as we get under the covers and get comfy.

Tom wraps his arms around my body holding me while we both slowly drift off to sleep.

I feel Tom come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist as I cook breakfast. "Hi." I say with a smile and turn my head to him. "Hi baby." He smiles back and gives me a kiss. I turn back to the food I'm cooking as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"She died on the driveway." Tom says with a slight laugh. I smile and think back to yesterday all the things I did to Jen, I'm glad she died a slow painful death. "Good." I simply say. "I got my men to get rid of her body and clean all the blood she smeared, fucking bitch."

I laugh and put the food on a plate. "She sure was a bitch." I say turning to him and handing him a plate. "Thank you Bels!" He smiles and goes to sit down. "BILL, FOOD!" I yell. I hear Bill running out of his room and as he gets to the kitchen he slips and falls on his ass.

Tom bursts out laughing as I giggle. "YOU DUMBASS!" Tom says while laughing. Bill groans and rolls his eyes as he gets up and walks over to me while rubbing his sore ass.

"Aw poor baby." I say and rub his back and hand him his food. "Hey stop that!" Tom yells. I look at him confused. "What?"

"Don't comfort him like that, he's not the one you're dating." He says annoyed. I laugh and look at a grinning Bill. I give Bill a kiss on the cheek as I grab my plate and sit next to Tom. I feel Tom's eyes on me but I just eat. Bill walks away to his room leaving me and Tom alone. "Don't ever do that again Isabel." Tom growls. I looks at him and raise an eyebrow. "I don't know what you're talking about." Yes I do.

"You forget that I can fuck you till your legs are numb." He whispers in my ear. I feel the hairs on my arms raise as my whole body gets covered in goosebumps. "Speechless now are we?" He laughs. I shake my head and continue eating. He laughs again and eats his food.

"The food is delicious Bels." Tom says normally like he didn't just make me wetter than a waterpark. "Thanks." I smile at him.

"We should go out tonight." I hear Bills voice says as he walks into the kitchen with an empty plate. "Sounds fun." I say as Bill puts his plate in the sink then turns to look at us. "Tom?" Bill looks to Tom. "Huh? Oh yeah sure." Tom says as he takes a bite from his food. "Ooo how about the club we went to last time? Except this time we'll all be together and Isabel won't have to break a weirdos wrists." Bill says. I laugh and nod, "That was hot though." Bill adds. "Bill watch yourself." Tom glares at him. I laugh and rub Tom's back. "Chill boo." I say and get up taking mine and Tom's empty plates to the sink. "We should invite Georg and Gustav too." I say smiling, I haven't actually talked to them at all since they've been here. "Perfect! They've missed you."

I smile and start washing the dishes. "Oh can we also invite Hana? I miss her." Bill asks as he pouts to me. "Of course, but then we have to invite Kenji and Kaito because I haven't been with them in a while." I say looking to Bill and then back to the dishes. "Okay! Let's go about 8?" I nod and Tom agrees.

Bill claps his hands and then leaves the kitchen. I finish the dishes and turn back to Tom. "You excited?" I ask. He looks to me and smiles.

"Only because you'll be there."

A/N - anyways GOODNIGHT😘

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