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Isabel POV:

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Isabel POV:

I smile to myself as I feel Toms fingers going through my hair, I keep my head on his bare chest while drawing random shapes on his abs.

Last night Tom asked me to move in with him, obviously I said yes I'm not stupid. I fucking hate living here with my dad and Brian.. ew just thinking of him makes me wanna barf. But my dad is way too controlling and im literally 20 so why not move in with my boyfriend?

"We should probably get up." I mumble into Toms chest. He groans in response and continues playing with my hair. I roll my eyes and sit up looking at his face.

"Noooo I was comfy." He whines as he pulls me back into his chest. "Tom it's noon and we've been in bed for too long." I say. He sighs and starts bringing his fingers up and down my arm. I get goosebumps and slowly close my eyes again.

"When do you want to leave?" He asks. I open my eyes and think for a moment. "Well it depends, will I have my own room or will I stay in yours?" I sit up and look at him.

"Well there's no point in having your own room when we both know you'll be in my bed every night." He smirked and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I smile and plopped down on my back next to him.

"Then today." I say looking up at the ceiling. "Perfect." He says. The room fills with silence, I turn my head to look at him but he's already staring at me. Oh?

"What?" I smile. He just smiles and stares at me still. "You're my everything Isabel." He says looking at every single part of my face.

Lord this man knows how to give a girl butterflies.

I sit back up and lean down to his lips. He immediately kisses back, putting is hands on my cheeks and mine holding his neck. I feel his tongue graze my lips wanting to enter my mouth. I do what he wants and he starts exploring my mouth with his tongue, our tongues meeting and moving around each other.

He takes one hand off my face and bring it under the blanket to my waist, pulling my on top of him. I was only in Tom's shirt and no pants, and he was only in his boxers.

Our kiss starts getting more aggressive as Tom keeps a grip on my hips, he starts to travel his hands to my shirt slowly pulling it up. But of course before I can take it off we get rudely interrupted.

My door swings opens, I get off Tom and look to the door to see an ugly ass bitch standing there.

Brian. Ew ew ew. Did I mention ew?

"Get the fuck out Brian." I demand as I slam my head back into my pillow. "God why do you two constantly fuck?" He says with a disgusted face.

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