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Isabel POV:

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Isabel POV:

I walked out of the room to see Hana, Kenji, Kaito, and Bill sitting there smiling at me.

It's my wedding day!

My whole look is complete, wedding dress, makeup, hair, nails, I look so good!!

They all compliment me before Bill stands up. "I need to go to Tom, but I'll see you out there Bels, love you." He smiles and kisses me on the cheek, I smile at him and turn back to my friends. "Guys I'm about to shit myself." I whine.

"Well don't do that girl." Hana says making a weird face. I laugh a little before just talking to them about concerns but they help me quickly forget those.

Suddenly Georg comes in the room. "Its
time." He says and walks out. I look at everyone nervously before Hana puts her hands on my shoulders. "I'm so happy for you." She smiles. I smile back and hold back tears. "Let's go Kaito, I'll see you out there." Hana says and pulls Kaito out of the room. I turn to Kenji and he smiles.

I chose Kenji to walk me down the aisle.

He was the first person I knew here and he's treated me so well, I love him so much. I would 100% prefer him walking me down rather than my dad.

"Ready to this hot stuff?" He smirks.

If you didn't know, hot stuff was the first thing he called me when we first met.

I laugh a little and nod. We walk out and walk down the hallway. We get to the door we're gonna walk through. We link arms as the doors open.

Everyone stands up and turns to us. Kenji slowly starts walking me down. I look around and see familiar faces, people we went to elementary and middle school and most of high school with. Tom must've gotten them here since I left.

I see many old friends and even ex boyfriends. I smile at people who stand there smiling at me with tears in their eyes. I look up to Kenji and he's smiling at me.

I take a deep breath and keep walking as I still look at people. I finally look down at the end to see.. him.

He looks so fucking good in a suit.

He smiles at me as our eyes meet, and I see tears in his eyes.

We reach the end, Kenji kisses my cheek as Tom grabs my hand and I stand in front of him. He smiles at me and leans down to my ear. "You look so beautiful." He whispers, I smiles as he leans back and looks at me.

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