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Isabel POV:

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Isabel POV:

Picking out what to wear for people you don't want to see is the hardest thing ever.

"I give up, I'm going naked!" I faceplant on my bed.

"Isabel, as much as I would love to see that, it's kinda weird... you know.. cause.. your dad.." Kenji says dragging me off the bed.

"Just be you boo." I laugh at his words and hit him.

"Whatever." I go back into my closet and shut the door leaving him in my room.

I finally pick out a long sleeve black shirt with a denim mini skirt, paired with some simple doc martens, and I put some silver jewelry on. I leave my room and go to my my bathroom passing Kenji, who is on his phone.

I decide to do my hair half up half down, and touch up my makeup that I already did today, but I added a smokey eye to really bring out my green eyes.

I finally finish everything and walk back out to show Kenji, his eyes leave his phone to look at me and he smirks getting off my bed.

"Damn Isabel, I think I'm falling for you." I laugh pushing him back on my bed, I then hear a car pull up in the front.

I walk over to my window and see a black car pulling into our driveway.

"Isabel, come down now!!" I hear my dad yell, I groan turning to Kenji. He nods and grabs my hand.

We walk out and down the stairs to my dad, he sees us and immediately rolls his eyes at Kenji.

"Go set the table please." I nod and me and Kenji go to the table and start setting it.

I hear a knock at the door and my dad immediately answers it. We are out of view so i cant see anything but I listen while setting the table.

"Nice to see you Micheal!" I hear an unfamiliar voice say, that must be his friend. "You too Oscar!" I can tell that they hug.

There was a pause before I hear my dad speak again. "Ahh Tom and Bill! You too look the same but so grown!" He laughs and I assume hugs them too.

"You too Micheal." Bill says plainly, he never was a big fan of my dad.

"Oh right! Isabel come here darling!" I hear my dad yell, I knew that meant he wanted only me but I need Kenji. He nods at the look I give him and we link arms walking out.

As soon as we walk to the entrance all of there eyes land on me.

Subconsciously my eyes go to Tom's.

He looks nervous but then he glances to Kenji and looks... angry?

"Isabel! I've heard so much about you!" Oscar says.

"That's funny cause I've heard nothing about you." I say plainly making him chuckle.

"Who's this?" Tom suddenly says looking at Kenji. Wow this is the first time I've heard his voice in 4 years.

"Kenji." Kenji replied. Tom glared at our linked arms, making it seem awkward in here now.

"Well let's eat!" My dad says turning and walking to the dining room. I nod turning with Kenji.

We all get to the table and my dad, me, and Kenji all sit on one side, and Oscar, Tom, and Bill sit on the other, ironically Tom sitting right across from me.

We all get food on our plates and start eating. While my dad and Oscar talk business, the rest of us sat in silence.

"So Kenji why are you here?" Tom suddenly speaks up, I look up and he's glaring at Kenji.


"Because I invited him." I say, Tom shifts his eyes to me annoyed.

"I wasn't talking to you." He states, now glaring at me slightly smirking, I roll my eyes taking a sip of my drink.

"Bite me." His face drops and Kenji lets out a slight laugh. During this conversation my dad and Oscar are too busy in their conversation to care.

Tom opens his mouth to say something but gets interrupted by Bill.

"So Isabel, how you been.. i don't know, since you left?" I consider pissing them off more.. or being nice, but I just have to go with pissing them off, it's my specialty.

"Oh it's been amazing, you know.. better without a whiny bitch in my life." I reply looking at Tom the entire time, he clenches his jaw taking an aggressive bite from his food.

I smile taking a bite from mine.

"So me and Oscar have something to tell you guys." My dad says, we all look at him.

"So we are going to combine our works, so we need to be together a lot more and since Tom and Bill work for Oscar and Isabel works for me, you will see each other a lot more now." He smiles.

I choke on my food staring at him in disbelief.

"Hell no! I don't want to work with these fucking useless people!" I stand up and walk away quickly.

I run upstairs and go into the hall bathroom, slamming the door shut.

I stand in front of the mirror angry.

Why do I have to see them!

Suddenly the door bursts open. I groan thinking it's my dad and just put my head down not looking, until I hear the voice of definitely not my dad.

"Why are you such a fucking bitch?" I hear him say.

I lift my head up to see him standing right behind me looking at me through the mirror.

"Fuck you." I reply turning to walk out, once I get to the door he slams it turning me over and trapping me inside.

"Don't start with me Isabel I will fucking-" He starts but I interrupt him.

"You will what? Finish that I dare you, you don't know pain until I'm finished with you Tom, don't fucking test me." I then knee him in the crotch making him fall to his knees in pain.

I quickly run out of the bathroom going downstairs.

I go to the dining room and everyone is still eating and talking.

"Kenji." I say and they all look at me, i motion for him to get up so he does.

"What's wrong?" He asks when he walks up to me.

"Let's leave this fucking dinner." He immediately smiles and nods, grabbing his keys and we leave the house.

I fucking hate Tom Kaulitz.

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