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Isabel POV:

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Isabel POV:

After a long drive with Kenji we finally drove back to my house, seeing the black car gone I went back inside, Kenji going home.

Me and my dad argued until I finally was able to go to bed, it was the worst night I've had in a long time.

I went to bed, woke up, ate breakfast, now here I am watching tv in the living room.

The show I'm watching starts getting very interesting and like always it gets interrupted!

Somebody is knocking at the fucking door.

I groan getting up and walking to the front door annoyed.

Whoever is there is very impatient because they wont stop knocking.

I quickly pull open to door about to murder whoever this annoying person is.


It's Tom.

He smirks seeing I opened it, i roll my eyes about to slam the door until he puts him hand in the way, holding it open.

"I'm here to see your dad." He says still smirking at me, oh how bad I want to shoot that smirk off his stupid face.

"He's not here." I say trying to shut the door but he still isn't letting me.

"When will he be back?"

"Probably like 30 minutes, so come back then." He's still not letting me shut the fucking door.

Just leave me alone already.

"I'll wait here then!" He pushes the door all the way open just walking in casually.


I groan slamming the door, not wanting to fight right now.

I walk past him, bumping into him on purpose, I go back to the couch sitting in the same spot as before and getting back to my show.

A few seconds later I see him walk over.

He better not.

And then he sits right next to me.

Right fucking next to me.

I decide to ignore him and keep watching it.

"You look hot in that outfit." I immediately look over to Tom who is literally checking me out.

I'm in a tank top and shorts, nothing special what the fuck?

"Couldn't say the same for you." I say turning my attention back to the tv, he lets out a slight laugh.

"Come on.. you don't think I'm hot anymore?" I laugh shaking my head, not paying him a glance even though I can't feel his eyes burning into the side of my face.

He laughs turning away.

Maybe I can fuck with him a little..

"But you obviously do." I say looking at him, he turns his head to me, our faces now inches apart.

"Tell me Tom.. do you still wanna fuck me?"

He looks shocked, his mouth open but not knowing what to say.

I smirk, quickly moving so I'm on his lap now.

"You miss this?" I say holding on the his neck, his hands holding onto my waist.

He nods slightly, glancing at my lips.

Its not that easy..

I move my head to his neck and start kissing it, sucking every few seconds.

I got the best idea ever.

I slightly rock my hips back and forth.

His breathing picks up, I move my head back to see his face.

I move faster and he looks very pleased, moving his hands to my ass.

"Fuck.." He says out of breath already, then I feel a very hard rise below me.

He's too easy.

I quickly get off his lap, putting all my focus onto the tv again.

He keeps his eyes on me, still breathing hard.

"I fucking hate you." He growls. I laugh looking over to him.

"Not all of you hates me apparently." I say gesturing to his.. you know.

He rolls his eyes, grabbing a pillow to put over his lap.

Suddenly the front door opens and in walks my dad.

He sees us on the couch and walks over.

"Ah Tom you're here! Let's go talk in my office." He starts walking to his office.

Tom nods getting up, and adjusting his pants. Before he leaves, he looks back at me for a second before walking away.

I win.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now