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Isabel POV:

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Isabel POV:

I keep crying while I sit on the bathroom floor.

How could I be so stupid!?

I always knew Jen had a little crush on Tom but when he made it clear he liked me she promised to back off. She was my best friend, why would she do this?

This whole time it was fake.

These last few weeks were just.. a game.

I stand up and look in the mirror, wiping my tears.

Everyone's going to regret this.

I make my way out of the bathroom to see Tom still sleeping. I put his phone back where it was and I change into some ripped jeans and a black low cut crop top. I grab my phone, keys, and gun and leave the room. I go back downstairs, I see Bill and Jen still in the kitchen so I go to the back door and walk around to my car. I get in and start driving to do the one thing that brings me peace.

They will all pay.

Tom POV:

I woke up in my bed.. alone? I look around to see Isabel gone.

Where did she go?

Confused, I get out of bed and even check my bathroom, no Isabel.

I start making my way downstairs and hear voices in the kitchen, must be Isabel and Bill. I walk into the kitchen and my heart drops.


She turns around and smiles. "Baby!" She squeals and runs to me pulling me into a hug.

I push her off me and furrow my eyebrows. "What the hell are you doing here Jen?"

Her smile slowly fades as she looks confused.

I forgot she doesn't know.

"I'm here for you baby!" She smiles. I scoff and push past her. "Leave. And don't call me that." I grab a water and turn back to her to see her looking at me angrily. "I'm confused." She says.

"You were playing Isabel?" Bill speaks up. I look at his face and can see the disappointment in it. "It's not what it seems like Bill." I say but Bill just shakes his head walking away quickly to his room.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now