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Isabel POV:

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Isabel POV:

I can't believe this.

He has that look in his eyes he used to when he was jealous, but now it's way more.. murderous?

I quickly look away continuing to dance with James. Suddenly I started to get more touchy. I turn back around glaring at him.

"Don't James." He lets out a chuckles and puts his hands up. "Sorry! My bad." I just shrug and keep dancing. Those same eyes burning into my skull, but I refuse to look back.

Then James puts his hands on my ass and squeezes it.

Hell no.

I then grab his wrists and snap them back immediately breaking them both.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" He yells, making everyone look at us.

"Hands off you dick!" He starts crying and screaming.

"YOU PSYCHOTIC BITCH!" He yells making me more angry.

"Excuse me?" I then kick him in the crotch making him fall to his knees crying more. I then kick him in the face. He falls back still crying.

I then feel arms around me and turn to see Kenji smiling at the man. "Holy shit Isabel!" He smiles wider.

I just smirk at him and back at James, everyone was now silent staring at the situation, but the music was still playing kinda muffled now.

"Next time keep your nasty ass hands off a masterpiece!" I say to James, his nose bleeding and his wrist broken.

He nods crying. I just laugh and turn back to Kenji. "Let's go, I'm bored now." He laughs and nods. I walk past him noticing all the eyes, annoying me.

"Okay shows over, turn the fuck around!" Everyone immediately turns around and continues with what they were doing.

I start walking to the exit while Kenji walks with his arm around my shoulder. I feel eyes on me still as we are walking and I see all of them.

Tom, Bill, Georg, and Gustav.

They are all sitting there looking at me... impressed?

I notice Tom looking me up and down. I ignore them and continue walking out with Kenji.

Tom POV:
(Before the club)

"Let's just go Tom." I groan throwing my head back on the couch.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now