haha sorry?

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Vance pov:

I was in line for the movies and then I heard a familiar voice it was teaya but she wasn't talking in English she was talking to a Japanese man but I for some reason got mad so I walked up to him and started asking him what he wanted since he was was talking to teaya and robin told me to take care of her so I've been doing that for the past 3 years I am only one who didn't leave that day but I seen them off  I also picked up amy last year when she came and I must have missed bruce this morning cause I did see him but ehh I don't know

Teaya pov:

While he was talking I texted robin and said sorry I don't know why I just did but I soon knew why *BOOM* I heard a explosion I ran near it Vance ran after but by the time we got there any and bruce was injured it looks like they went out for a walk but something happened I told Vance to take them to the hospital I had to find who did this but as soon as he left I got shot first time in 4 years haha I wanted to cry but instead I prayed to God I do that often I asked him to let me see my friends and family just one more time then I fainted I know people was around who saw it so I expected to be at a hospital when I woke up but I wasn't I was in a house a pastel pink house a korean girl walked up to me a Japanese girl followed I was confused but they had RnB playing so I was ok it made me feel happy I started crying and they comforted me I cried more then bruce walked in wasn't he at the hospital but he walked in with Vance amy and donna I wonder if anyone else was here but I asked them one question is my house ok they said yea they just didn't want to leave me by my self like that since I in a coma for a year haha 2 more to go

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