on mondays we wear black

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Robin pov:

I was up on the little stage thing at church (what is it called) and I was try to hold my tears in but I couldn't I said a few thing which was "teaya was a very good kid she love  Korean romance kpop and anime but most of all she LOVED God she would ALWAYS talk about him I wouldn't not one bit get tired of it but not would I start a career about him but now I wish I could I'm sorry" I said obviously sobbing I got down then gwen got up the others didn't want to face my family and teayas friends faces but gwen turned in to a poet "teaya was a ball of fire she was hot and bright" she stopped to laugh a little "but now I wish she could be the sun still hot but water can't take her out I wish I could hug her just one more time because she was my mother figure when mine died and now I motherless again but their both talking in heaven I bet you 20 dollars I mean it" she then got off the little stage thingy and the pastor got up he preached his word and he talked about teaya because he was from nam where she used to live at I wish I could hug her and tell her about my life and what's all been going on since her death which was last week (btw out fit time next chapter) I look around after the funeral and before putting her 6 feet under I ran into Jasmine (teayas friend) "oh hi robin" she said rubbing her eyes "hi jazz how are you" I said just wanting to go tackle Vance "good"  she said then she left so I tackled Vance he was shocked but we had to go before he could get me back the left

{ 2 hours later }

Gwen pov:

So I went to teayas room and I just sat on the bed even though I know I got to talk to her before she died I just can't stop wishing I said more I wish she could see our wedding and she was only 19 I mis her she could have been my flower girl lol even though she 5'6"
She coulda made it cute ya'know

It's 3 am but I'm bout to listen to 4am

Make Believe Trauma pt2Where stories live. Discover now