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Donna pov :

I was happy to know we was having movie night tonight but I had to talk things out with Billy knowing that he knows everything now but I just don't know how to bring it up but he came to me first I felt regret but to the convo

Billy: "Donna can I talk to you.. In the kitchen"

Donna: "sure hold on"

I had to grab my bag just in case I need to fidget

Billy: "I'mma get right to the point  u knew about teaya's feelings correct? "

Donna: "Sadly yea why? "

Billy: "and you still dated me why if you knew"

I felt like crying but I couldn't

Donna: "she told me to I was against it despite my feelings I didn't want to hurt her but she suggested it"

He just stared at me I completely understand how he must be feeling

Donna: "Billy I know this must be confusing but she knew we liked each other but she thought she'll get over you and she did only for a little tho and that was because of buzz but she knew that wouldn't last and she completely fell for you again"

Billy: "so buzz was a way to get over me why him tho I mean there were many fine people in our school why a bully? "

Donna: *I tilted my head* " I actually don't know but I'm sure there was reason hmm?"

I looked at him he was crying

Donna: "Billy? "

Billy: "ohh ok I understand that's why u called off the relationship ok"

That's actually not why I actually fell out of love

Donna: " that's not completely the reason I fell out of love sorry but... I'm sure u did too correct? "

Billy: "correct but I'll be more then happy if we stay friends"

Donna: "great me too"

We walk out to many stares I bowed and said "can we get going it 7:35 am now we're late " we all ran out the door I keep thinking about our conversation and if teayas proud or upset.

Make Believe Trauma pt2Where stories live. Discover now