merry Christmas luvs

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Merry Christmas we're bout close to new years and we got 6 more chapters till finals so I wanna say have a great year and don't forget what Christmas is really about luvs I'mma show y'all my outfit for this amazing birthday of Jesus tell me about urs also I don't at all regret writing this book cuz it's how I escape so I will keep writing books speaking of which I'mma writing my own it's gonna come out when this on is done kk? Bye bye luvs

Also I can't do a Christmas chapter cuz their in November so I'll do getting ready for Christmas buh bye hol up here

Also I can't do a Christmas chapter cuz their in November so I'll do getting ready for Christmas buh bye hol up here

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Shes beautiful ✨✨✨ any who I don't want to show my face lol but imma try to get y'all a picture some how

Shes beautiful ✨✨✨ any who I don't want to show my face lol but imma try to get y'all a picture some how

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Ok here we go

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