afraid (the back story of chateaya Arellano)

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15 years ago teaya arellano met billy Showalter when he came over to play with robin and a couple years later they met again and she was old enough to know she was falling for him yet still to know love wouldn't work out for her she was 7 (ik ik very young but it was just crush ) they was best friends they loved comforting each other finney use to tease her about how she stuck to him like glue but yet Billy never noticed and fell for Donna with teaya showing full support this was at the age of 11 and she got sent to nam at the age of 5 but visited them when she could she knew she couldn't she never knew her life will play out how it did she never found love she doesn't know lily Killed her self but she didn't know she was gonna die either she didn't become an actress like she wanted to so griffin did she loved helping people so Billy Donna and bruce did so she fought a lot vance and robin taught her she had good taste in fashion and had love for modelling so gwen amy and finney became models everything they do seems to be for her and a lot is but they didn't think this will happen so is it really for her she was 19 when she died but she was upset but relieved she got to die she actually hated her life so much but love the people in it I mean wouldn't you... She was afraid of having to kill her self to escape her sad reality so while she was getting murdered she begged the killers to put her where she could be found which was near the little cottage she built she also cried for Billy and robin while dying but deep down she knew she wasn't going to make it back home to them she was there at that place for 7 days before being found she was already dying when found but she fought to live but that only made her weak and her body gave out which is why she turned on her side her last word was" I hope y'all forgive me"which what she said after she let them say those kind words to her but more about her background she was born in nam taking to Denver then was brought back to be raised in nam died in Japan she knew she was gonna die so she wrote that letter that Billy keeps in his phone case at all times they all have a picture of teaya in their room and teayas room has a picture of all of them separate and together

Bye bye

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