oh youth

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Billy pov:

It's 12:am and I can't sleep cause tomorrow makes four years I haven't seen teaya and you may think that I'm weird for loving her so much but I love all my friends like this so yea I have attachment issues so yea but I miss my lil SISTER cause she is now 17 she wished us all happy birthday last year but this year she didn't I wondering why cause she didn't text robin since she said sorry and bruce commanded us to send donna cause she's a nurse and we sent her and he soon told us what happened she got shot and yea we all cried even baby miles who was one now but she's ok but she didn't text yet it was Griffin's birthday today and then his phone went off it was teaya she said happy birthday we let out a relived sign and the I saw gwen fingers moving she was writing like it was a last minute essay then sent.

Teaya pov :

I said happy birthday to griff and then gwen sent me a professional written message and I read all of it I started to cry she really does miss me nice to know I wrote her a long message as well match the energy 💅 she call me and I was still crying I look pretty when I cry I told my self

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